I am so glad you’re here as nothing gives me greater joy, fulfillment and pleasure than to assist and guide ready and willing, awakened if you will, individuals back to themselves through a process I have coined “Spiritual Alignment.”
I have personally led hundreds of individuals through this process over the course of the past 15+ years, and watching that process of remembrance come alive and witnessing my clients Aligning more and more with Who They Really Are – the magic that always accompanies this – truly never gets old. If this is a path you are ready for, I am so excited for you.
From a very young age, I knew I was here to help improve life on earth
As I grew older it was a no-brainer to explore fields where I could help improve the world and better society by enhancing and improving the life of the individual because it seemed like the most doable way for me to make a true difference.
Life is full of change, built on the foundations of ebb and flow, and we need to know how to move with that constant state without drowning in it – to learn to “flow within the ebb” and be adaptable to what unfolds in your life.
My commitment to you
I am deeply committed to helping you create the life and expression of Who You Really Are that you most desire. It’s quite literally what I was born to do, and I don’t want to ever do anything else. Part of that is due to some innate gifts I have and have consciously developed and deepened over the years, but it’s mostly because I see and know what is possible when we learn to approach things from an energetic, vibrational and spiritual level.
This is something most of us were simply not taught, so when we begin to “remember” and apply this approach, which is our truest essence and nature, magic quickly unfolds – and I never tire of witnessing it.
When someone engages in the Spiritual Alignment process...
...a beautiful, alchemical transformation occurs that ultimately merges the Soul with the Ego, or the “humanness” of the individual.
What occurs bit by bit is a clarity, a connection and a strength that allows for the client to show up as higher and higher expressions of Who They Really Are more often and sustainably, live more authentically and unapologetically. Old habits and patterns like people-pleasing and self-abandonment fall away, as does being stuck in the paradigm of glorifying busy-ness and the “I’ll be happy when…” syndrome.