We immediately get you on a curated “Daily Alignment Practice” that begins the process of “deconditioning” you from who you’ve told you are and should be and begins raising your vibration, aligning you more and more with Who You Really Are. You will notice the magic of this immediately, because when you consciously and consistently practice a higher frequency, you attract things that match that frequency.
We also identify what does and doesn’t support your Alignment – your ability to get into that higher state, stay there more often, and recover to this state more quickly and with greater ease – and begin the process of making sure you have more of what does support you and less of what doesn’t
Bragging Rights
Joining the Conversations with God team as a CWG Coach and Voice, personally selected and mentored by Neale Donald Walsch (2011 – present)
NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) with Dr. Richard Bandler and Team
Authored the popular book “Awake & Aligned: How to Navigate the Human Experience as a Spiritual Being”
Voted Best Speaker at the 2019 “I Am” Gathering in Banff
Services selection
Work privately with me! This is for you if you have done a lot of your inner work and are now ready to co-create a new story and experience of your life that is in Alignment with Who You Really Are. Whether you are focusing our work on business, relationships, your spiritual gifts, or any other aspect to your human experience, together we catalyze the conscious transformation and upleveling that your Soul is ready for and is craving. Curious to know more?
Throughout the year I offer a variety of programs to help support your Aligned growth and expansion alongside others who are also on this conscious journey of Alignment. Want to know my current offerings or get on the waitlist for the next offering?
Prefer to fly solo on this part of your journey but would like some structure and guidance? My online, self-paced course will arrive right in your inbox, walking you through the Aligned steps to bring you to greater ease, flow, meaning and magic in your life.
AWAKE AND ALIGNED: How to Navigate the Human Experience as a Spiritual Being
The book “Awake and Aligned” is packed with practical and effective ways to apply big spiritual and energetic concepts to your everyday real life along with humorous stories and anecdotes to lock in these teachings, “Awake and Aligned” offers you a clear path to merging your spirituality with your humanity, and helps you to access the magic of life and the magic that has always been within YOU.
Want a taste of alignment now? This free 3 day course gives you the keys to end the frustration of constantly doubting yourself — feel confident in your life choices and your intuition. Finally begin receiving what you’ve been unsuccessfully trying to manifest — more money, better relationships, a meaningful career. Stop feeling powerless and stagnant and start feeling the joy of creating magic in your daily life!
What does this alchemical transformation look and feel like?
The details are different for everyone, of course, but the essence is the same: you begin to trust yourself more, trust life and whatever Higher Power you believe in more – which means you begin to experience more freedom to be, do, and have the things you desire and that matter to you most, and more importantly, the freedom to express yourself authentically and without apology.
This is for you if…
You have high levels of openness, willingness, and readiness when it comes to doing some deep and impactful inner work that will create lasting change.
You are spiritually-oriented and know you are energetically-sensitive/empathic yet need some help in managing and expanding your gifts in an empowering way. You also tend to geek out over spiritual and personal development stuff and love to devour it.
You’ve done your fair share of inner work when it comes to processing hard things from your past and striving to understand who you are and who you want to be (i.e. via therapy, other forms of coaching, self-study, books, programs, etc.). You are not as stuck in your “story” as you used to be and have a deep desire to experience your “next level.”
The very first thing you will notice is a change in the way you feel day-to-day as, incidentally, that is the point of all of this and the place from which you’ll create the external stuff.
Because I have you begin a Daily Alignment Practice (DAP) that is unique to you and allows you to practice a new, much higher vibration each day, you will begin to feel better within the first week. *If you actually do the work – I can’t do it for you.
The good news is that it doesn’t feel like “work,” it becomes something you look forward to engaging with each and every day. Most if not all of my former clients, even from over a decade ago, who still engage in their DAP to this day.
Quality high-level coaching is an investment, however I strive to make what I offer affordable not to just some but to all, offering tons of free content on my platforms (email list, Facebook group, TikTok, Youtube channel, monthly “office hours”), low-investment with high impact products like my book, “Awake & Aligned: How to Navigate the Human Experience as a Spiritual Being” on Amazon (about $17) and my online self-study course, “How to Be a Conscious Aligned Co-Creator” ($47).
My small group coaching programs range from about $200-$4500, depending on the size and duration of the program, and my private individual coaching ranges from $1997-$8500, again depending on the length of the commitment. In today’s industry, seasoned coaches like me charge at least $10k for their 1:1 work, even when it’s just a few months. I’m not in alignment with that and strive to do things differently, starting with transparency; helping others create massive and lasting shifts is something you can’t really put an accurate price on, but I am clear that it doesn’t have to hurt, either. I also often have scholarships available for many of my offerings.
If you actually do the work and engage in this partnership to your fullest capacity – heck yes!! And honestly it will help you even if you half-ass it, however please just buy my book if that’s the case as I like to go all in with my private and small group clients; that’s where the big magic lies, when all parties are fully committed!