Make tending to your own well-being a priority

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I just wanted to drop in and reinforce this message that I saw on Facebook the other day. It hit home for me, and I imagine it does for a lot of people - especially the energetically sensitive, empathic type.

We as a collective are in the process of flipping the script on what we've been told about prioritizing our own needs, mental and emotional health, and overall well-being, I believe, but we're not quite there yet. As with many, if not all, great changes, it starts with the individual.

How are you doing with saying yes to everything that supports your Alignment, and your ability to show up in this world the way that you want to?

How are you doing with giving yourself permission to say no and change your mind when you recognize it's what you really need and want? And how are you at giving yourself permission to do so even when you know you might disappoint others?

None of this is easy - at first. But I find that it gets easier the more you do it. Make tending to your own well-being and mental health (aka your own alignment) your number one priority.

It is not selfish to do so, no matter what you’ve been taught or what was demonstrated to you. It is the very thing that allows you to show up well for others in life, to contribute to the well-being of all even, and to truly live your life's purpose.

All of that is important, of course, but make no mistake - it is first and foremost absolutely because you are 100% worthy and deserving of feeling good and being happy. Let's normalize that awareness.

I invite you to do a quick inventory, and ask yourself in this moment, "what is one thing I can do, adjust, or cancel to give myself more love, support and spaciousness today?"

And then do it, consciously allowing anyone impacted by your choice to have their own experience of it.

And then watch what happens next, and as a result; you just may find that it all works out for the better, and that other person is more than okay with your choice.

But you will definitely find yourself feeling better for it, happier and more relaxed and capable - all of which are powerful points of attraction for what you're inviting into your life next.


An Energetic Head's Up for a week full of opportunity


Free Month of Alignment, Anyone?