Alignment Break: How do you deal with fear when challenging things happen in life?

Thank you for the emails with your Alignment questions! It is very helpful for me to focus on things that are most relevant to you, so please keep sending me your questions or as they arise.

Keep in mind they can be specific contexts you are struggling with to apply all of these concepts of energy, vibration, Alignment, spirituality, and conscious manifestation too, as specific examples help us all to better apply and integrate these often heady and lofty concepts.

And I have another Alignment Break video for you today! In this segment, I answer a question from a reader who asked, "How do you deal with the contrast when you fear the worst might happen?"

So in other words, how do you deal with fear when challenging things happen in life? Watch the video below to hear my take on this, as well as specific strategies you can begin experimenting with and applying immediately!

Also, if you're wanting a better picture on all of this Spiritual Alignment stuff and how it can be used in your own life, you may want to watch the interview I did with Miriam Grunhaus, Joy Alchemist, owner of Mikah Fashion and the host of Heal with Gold podcast.

It was such a great conversation about blending the human and spiritual experience in such a way that allows for the human stuff of life (i.e. negative thoughts, emotions, hardships, challenges, joys and healing) as well as how to use all of that to access the more "spiritual" stuff (i.e. miracles, magic, conscious manifestation, answered prayers, being Who You Really Are and utilizing your partnership with God/Source/the Universe, etc.).

Miriam is an absolute delight of woman, and has such authentic and loving energy to her, and the stories she shared are really inspiring - particularly one where she unwittingly used one of the daily Alignment practices to produce a really significant (and quick) manifestation!

You can watch the interview HERE.


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