Managing the ebb days to increase the flow
I am currently on a self-appointed work retreat with a dear friend and colleague, focusing on creating more conscious content for you all that really helps put all of this Alignment and vibration stuff in more human, applicable terms, and I happened to come across an old video that I created for my members when I first launched the Spiritual Alignment Membership program back in October of 2019.
It was one of those divinely guided nudges that occasionally happens where I have no choice but to hit record and ignore the fact that I am not my most presentable-to-the-public self, in favor of giving value and being of service, so bear with me there because the message is really important and something I am betting an energetically-sensitive person like you will really appreciate.
In this video, I speak to the concept of the natural energetic ebb and flow in our day-to-day life, particularly those "ebb days" we all have. You know, the ones where despite your long to-do list and your mind's insistence that everything is urgent, you just don't have it in you to follow through - and likely beat yourself up about that, spending a hefty amount of time in resistance mode as a result.
Watch the video to learn why we have these ebb days, their divine purpose, and how to begin embracing and working with them to not only increase your overall sense of productivity and flow in life, but to connect to your Inner Being more strongly so you can consciously create better and enjoy life more.
And let me know your thoughts and experiences, I'd love to hear them! Email me or comment on the video!