How To Refocus Your Energy When You're Just Not Feeling It

Many mistake this time of year for being a time to hit the ground running, get after those goals, resolutions and intentions you set, and then end up encountering a lot of resistance in their attempt to do so.

This is because winter, no matter the climate, is a more inward, sacred, slow and spiritual time for us, offering the opportunity to get quieter and slow down to connect within. It's an opportunity to allow what wants to come through you this year the time to incubate, gestate, and take form as your energy recalibrates to all of the new possibilities, dreams and desires you have. It's a purposeful time for your inner world to align with what you'd like to see in your outer world.

And yet that doesn't mean that we cease all doing, action-taking and productivity - we still have a human life to live that needs certain things to function and flow well, right? It means that we approach the "doing" part differently, and a big part of that is about making room for pausing so that you can refocus your energy, to ask what is most needed right now so you can move forward without resistance.

Your prompt to do this is any time you feel that resistance - which can come in the form of stress, overwhelm, fatigue, confusion, intense negative emotions, feeling scattered, stuck, etc.

This is how our Soul/Higher Self/Inner Being communicates with us, gets our attention to let us know that we have temporarily stepped out of flow so that we will take the time to stop, slow down, and reevaluate from a higher vantage point, which often requires some rest or distance first so it's also a good idea to decide ahead of time to be okay with that.

If you find yourself struggling halfway into this first month of this brand new year, and especially if you find it's a thing every year, I invite you to give yourself an opportunity to try things differently, and then note what happens. I think you'll be happier with what you find, and you'll be able to take it forward better into the other seasons, cycles and rhythms of the year.

And if you'd like some added inspiration and guidance to start off your year Aligned and in the energy of abundance, don't forget to take advantage of the free gifts I offered in last week's newsletter. If you didn't see it, I've partnered with some amazing Transformational Authors who are currently giving away some powerful content (E-books and programs) to help you get into the flow of abundance this year! You can check them all out HERE and take advantage of any or all that speak to you.


Alignment Break: The Two Most Important Alignment Practices for Winter


Raise Your Abundance Vibration in 2022!