Santa Claus is Real
As we get ready for that part of the season that is sacred, quiet, special and full of the magic and wonder most of us remember from our childhood, I wanted to share with you a passage from my book that is near and dear to my heart.
I was about 11 or 12 years old and shared a very magical experience with my Mom...
It was Christmas Eve night and, unbeknownst to the rest of the household, she and I had happened to come out in the living room in the middle of the night at the exact same time to sit by the softly lit tree. I was secretly trying to catch Santa in action, of course, but I’m not sure why she was out there.
We sat by the tree together, talking about the magic of Christmas and using a crystal pendulum she had, that we sometimes used to talk to our angels, when this particular old-fashioned Santa Claus ornament caught both of our eyes at the exact same time.
Trust me, I KNOW how crazy and perhaps stupid this sounds, but we both saw that sucker wink at us!
We both reacted at the same exact moment, so it wasn’t just one of us trying to make the night more magical and special for the other by saying it out loud and causing the other to see what they wanted to see. We sat there in shock, laughing at what had just occurred in delight and gratitude.
In fact, from that Christmas Eve on we made it a tradition to meet each other in the middle of the night to try to recapture that same magic, though I don’t think anything like that ever happened again. But this experience was largely why I continued to cling to this idea of Santa Claus existing, really using it as a representation that magic itself does exist.
Whichever holiday you celebrate, I wish you more of the magic, wonder, sacredness, stillness, inner peace, love, joy and possibility than you’ve ever experienced before, and may it follow you forward into 2022 and beyond.
And truly, thank you so much for being here with me.
PS. If you would like to read more of my book Awake & Aligned, you can find it in paperback, eBook or audio version on Amazon HERE.