Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

REST...To Be Your Best

So I invite you to listen to yourself today, this week, especially now, during this time of year where we feel ourselves wanting to rest more, hibernate, and be still and quiet. Ask your body, heart, mind and Soul what they need. Journal about it, meditate on it, or just notice the signs and symptoms, and then do something radical: listen to and honor them, and then watch what happens next. 

NOTE: this message applies to any and every day of the week!


This seemed like a good time to pop in and remind you of this underrated and not-talked-about-enough principle of Alignment. In a world that has this backwards, glorifying the packed schedule and busy life, teaching that working yourself to death is noble and the only way to success, we wonder why so many people experience increasing amounts of anxiety, overwhelm, stress and depression. It doesn't have to be this way, folks.

In fact, if you start playing around with this, listening to those prompts that your body, spirit and oftentimes the whole damn Universe itself is giving you - in the form of feeling an illness coming on, seeing the words "slow down" all over the place, feeling tired or introspective, or the stress and overwhelm themselves - you will begin to notice a trend where upon giving yourself that space and time to rest, you notice that you are in the flow more. You're more productive. You have more energy, focus, drive and motivation. Ease. Abundance. Joy. Peace. Doesn't that sound wonderful?

You can't get to those things by pushing, forcing, fighting, insisting, straining. It's called living in a state of resistance, where you are only drawing more of the same to yourself. And that's not fun nor is it sustainable. 

So I invite you to listen to yourself today, this week, especially now, during this time of year where we feel ourselves wanting to rest more, hibernate, and be still and quiet. Ask your body, heart, mind and Soul what they need. Journal about it, meditate on it, or just notice the signs and symptoms, and then do something radical: listen to and honor them, and then watch what happens next. 

It is not unusual for me to have a day full of the grandest intentions of productivity and flow, only to immediately recognize it is a day of resting and tending to my own energy. I have come to recognize these days as the most productive of all, because not only do I know there's a ton going on behind the scenes on my behalf (thank you, Cosmic Team and Universe!), my energy is being reorganized and restored to support me better, and usually the very next day I am kicking ass far better than I would have on the day I originally intended. 

Through my years of experience, observation, and guiding my clients through this part of the Alignment process, I am certain that this is how it works. All of life is rooted in energy, and we have not been taught how to recognize the natural ebb and flow, much less work with it. But there's no better time to start than now, so don't just take my word for it, try for yourself! Simply notice the next time you can tell it's time to rest and tend to your own energy better, make the proper adjustments to do so (i.e. say no to an obligation, take the day off, give yourself a day in bed Netflix binging, etc.), and note what happens next.

And do let me know your experience, I can't get enough of hearing this stuff. Hit the comment button and share away!

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