Alignment: A Place Where My Higher Self Lives
Throughout my 26 years, I have been looking for answers to the big questions. The usual existential ones of course like the meaning of life and death, but one question has remained constant for me. How can I create a better life for myself? A life where I am happy, peaceful, loving, financially stable…all of the good stuff. For years I’ve felt this better life calling to me, but I wasn’t sure how to answer.
A Guest Post By: Lindsey Brave
Awake and Aligned by Nova Wightman was brought into my world by a very important person: my dad. He heard Nova on a local radio show and knew instantly that her book was something both of us needed in our lives. Awake and Aligned has since been passed around and shared with other family members and friends. Needless to say, it is a very special book to me and my family. Allow me to tell you why.
Throughout my 26 years, I have been looking for answers to the big questions. The usual existential ones of course like the meaning of life and death, but one question has remained constant for me. How can I create a better life for myself? A life where I am happy, peaceful, loving, financially stable…all of the good stuff. For years I’ve felt this better life calling to me, but I wasn’t sure how to answer.
On this quest for growth, I delved into many self-help and mind/body/soul healing books. I learned about many of the popular tools for achieving a “successful” life like the law of attraction, visualization, manifestation, gratitude, meditation, etc. While these strategies all sounded great, I found some difficulty implementing them fully into my life.
For me, Awake and Aligned combined all of those tools in an approachable, realistic, and positive manner, that made changing my life seem achievable. I dove into this book headfirst and resurfaced with a fresh and awakened perspective. With Nova’s book, I was able to learn and practice ways to bring more goodness into my life, and have that goodness brought back to me.
After reading and earnestly completing all of the book’s practical applications, the biggest “aha moment” for me was understanding the importance of alignment.
I’d heard that word thrown around a lot before. To me, “alignment” sounded like a word reserved for the yogi’s sitting front row in an advanced yoga class. Thankfully, Nova introduced a whole new meaning to the word I once dismissed as, “not being for me.” Now, alignment serves as a guiding light for how I live my life.
As a person who has experienced chronic anxiety throughout their entire life, my brain has seemed almost wired to fear, worry, and stress about the unknowns. My mind loooooves mulling over all the details of what could or could not happen in life. So when faced with an unknown or new challenge, my mind tends to go into overdrive wanting to figure everything out. It wants the security of knowing what the future holds.
Of course, that’s impossible. Thankfully, Nova offered me an alternative.
Instead of spending mental energy focusing on the negative, I can redirect that energy to bring me back to a good place. Yup, to alignment. A place where my higher self lives. Where I can be Who I Really Am. Nova has helped guide me to understand how being in a state of alignment (whenever possible), allows life to fall into place without the mind needing to interfere.
So here I am today, discovering and adding in more activities that bring me into alignment with my highest self, and simultaneously pulling away from things that take me out of alignment. Some of the activities that align with Who I Really Am include exercising, playing with my dog, reading, bike riding, writing, and spending time with my close friends and family. Being able to clearly identify those was a powerful change. Of course I’ve fallen in and out of alignment since. Sometimes things go wrong, but now I know I have a grounding center to go back to and get myself back on track.
Maintaining a state of alignment has already manifested as positive outcomes in my life.
The most concrete manifestation was buying my first car. Being on a really tight budget and harsh deadline, my options were limited. I had worries about finding a reliable car that wouldn’t blow up my bank account (cue mental stress). For weeks I had scoured craigslist, hoping that the right one would fall into my lap. Eventually, it did, at just the right time too. It was perfect. Right in my budget. A used, reliable, and affordable car that allows me to visit family and embark on adventures.
I’ve also noticed improvements in the relationship with my family and partner. Tough conversations are eased, and the light ones feel freer. My eyes have been opened to see miracles in the everyday moments. The flowers blooming. A bird’s song. A loved one’s smile. Sometimes it feels as though a guiding force turns my attention, and points these mini-miracles out to me. It’s almost like someone gently saying, “Don’t miss this.” Above all else, I feel more connected with myself, my true self, and knowing who that is.
Now I keep a list of the key points from Awake and Aligned in my kitchen. I refer back to it when I need a reminder (which is pretty often).
Awake and Aligned gave me hope that I could build a better life for myself, and empowered me to believe I could.
Endlessly grateful,
Lindsay Brave
How to Practice Seeing the Light in Others
Easier said than done, right? I have been working on this one consciously for a long time, and it's probably one of the most challenging concepts to integrate into my daily experience with any significant consistency (I'm guessing many of you can relate). The context of human relationships, be them intimate, personal, professional or with strangers, tends to be amongst the trickiest to navigate sometimes, wouldn't you agree?
"See the light in others, and treat them as if that's all you see." ~ Wayne Dyer
Easier said than done, right? I have been working on this one consciously for a long time, and it's probably one of the most challenging concepts to integrate into my daily experience with any significant consistency (I'm guessing many of you can relate). The context of human relationships, be them intimate, personal, professional or with strangers, tends to be amongst the trickiest to navigate sometimes, wouldn't you agree?
I remember seeing Neale Donald Walsch, the author of the Conversations with God books, speak at an event in my twenties, before I was a coach and before I joined the CwG Team, when I was so hungry for those practical ways to integrate and apply big concepts such as the one above, and he offered a simple practice to help one see and experience the divinity in others, as well as within ourselves.
He invited us, the audience, to simply practice making eye contact with others, even in passing, rather than looking down or looking away. He then took it a step further and asked us to smile at the person we were making eye contact with. THEN he challenged us to do the unthinkable - say hello to them. The audience laughed, of course, because in theory, these shouldn't be difficult things to do regularly, yet we all knew damn well we didn't do them, at least not nearly enough.
I began practicing this immediately, thinking, "wow, what a great and easy way to do this! I am on it!" ....and quickly became discouraged and disheartened, because out of every person I made eye contact with, smiled and said hello to, about 5% returned the gesture. It seemed I was experiencing the opposite of my intention, I felt even more disconnected and even resentful of these rude humans. ;)
But I persisted, because I had come to trust this Neale fellow over the years and figured he had to be on to something, and it wasn't long before I realized an aspect of this exercise I had been completely ignoring or not even getting:
Making eye contact, smiling and saying hello wasn't about getting a certain response from the other person that would then cause me to see and experience the divinity in others. It was about my own self expression, my own declaration of divinity, that produced the state of being I desired to experience ~ in this case Oneness, Connection and Divinity. In other words, it didn't matter what the other person did in response; when I put the focus back on who I was being while I was doing what I was doing, I was better able to create and access the experience I desired!
These days my "return rate" on eye contact, smiling and saying hello is much higher, but more importantly, my joy in doing it is closer to 100% than ever before.
And now it's my turn to challenge YOU to see the light in others, and to see it in yourself, by trying this very same exercise, but unlike me several years ago, do it as an expression of your own divinity, give that love and connection and acknowledgment away to others and you will experience the same for yourself instantly. And if you accept this challenge, please hit the reply button and share your experience with me! Or, if you have another way that you actively practice seeing the light in others, I'd love to hear that, too!
P.S. I've got some awesome opportunities coming up for you to get more alignment, to experience more ease, joy, and flow in all aspects of your life. I'm working on a really good one at the moment that I'll unveil soon, but in the meantime check out my Events page to see what's on the agenda!
How do you stay positive all the time? Well, you don't.
People who know me always describe me as being a positive person, and in my line of work it kind of goes with the territory. I’ve often been asked what my secret is, how do I stay so positive and optimistic? Well, there are many ways to be positive, but here’s the big one: Rather than attempting to be positive ALL the freakin' time, I put the focus more so on recovering to a higher, more positive and aligned state when I’ve had a human moment. And, perhaps more importantly, I allow myself to BE human.
People who know me always describe me as being a positive person, and in my line of work it kind of goes with the territory. I’ve often been asked what my secret is, how do I stay so positive and optimistic? Well, there are many ways to be positive, but here’s the big one: Rather than attempting to be positive ALL the freakin' time, I put the focus more so on recovering to a higher, more positive and aligned state when I’ve had a human moment. And, perhaps more importantly, I allow myself to BE human.
In other words, when the wind blew my open car door causing it to hit me in the side of my head this morning while getting my daughter, Hazel, out of the car (because Mother Nature decided to drop a ridiculous snow storm on us Here in MN despite it looking and feeling like actual spring for the last several weeks) I cursed like a sailor (yes, in front of my kid 🤷🏻♀️).
As the icy wind continued to whip me in the face and Hazel dropped her stuff in the snow drifts no less than 117 times between the car and the front door to daycare, you could say I was abundantly annoyed, especially when I stepped in a bunch of melted snow on the floor and got my socks all wet (isn’t that the worst?!).
But that’s a normal, human experience, and who wouldn’t be annoyed, right?
So I don’t fight myself on stuff like that. Instead, as soon as I have the opportunity to I shift my focus to feeling better, by focusing on better things. I work my way back up to that more Aligned, centered, calm and optimistic state of being. This morning that looked like listing positive aspects and gratitudes out loud in the car on the way home. And it worked, I felt so much better by the time I started working.
Bottom line is, rather than trying to force positivity from yourself all the time, especially when it doesn’t feel authentic to, try putting the focus on recovering to your higher self more quickly and more consistently. This is one way you can avoid the whole “woke up on the wrong side of the bed” syndrome where you let one or two bad experiences ruin your whole day. And this is how you embrace your humanity while knowing full-well you are first and foremost a spiritual, vibrational being, just having a human experience. By the way, I wrote a whole chapter on this topic in my book, "Awake and Aligned: How to Navigate the Human Experience as a Spiritual Being." You might want to check it out. :)
Mercury goes direct today, woo hoo! But now what?
I used to say, "Don't know what Mercury Retrograde is? Great! Carry on!" when coming across someone who wasn't yet aware of it, previously perceiving it as a big pain in the ass and wishing I, myself, could enjoy the "ignorance is bliss" route. Yet over the years of moving through it with conscious awareness and deepening my understanding of its purpose, I now encourage people to read up on it so they can use it to their advantage.
Whew, this was a potent one, wasn't it? I'm guessing most of you are at least aware of this astrological phenomenon that is one of the only ones to have a somewhat uniformly effect on us all, but if not, here's a great article to sum it up for you.
I used to say, "Don't know what Mercury Retrograde is? Great! Carry on!" when coming across someone who wasn't yet aware of it, previously perceiving it as a big pain in the ass and wishing I, myself, could enjoy the "ignorance is bliss" route. Yet over the years of moving through it with conscious awareness and deepening my understanding of its purpose, I now encourage people to read up on it so they can use it to their advantage. Although I wouldn't say I look forward to the 3 times per year Mercury Retrograde occurs, for about 3 weeks at a time each time, I can say that my experiences of each is filled with much more grace and ease than before, and I no longer dread it happening. Plus, I always feel grateful after they end because some pretty decent shifts have occurred as a result.
So this one in Pisces is over - now what? Well, it's integration time! This is the time to get your conscious mind up to speed with the energetic, internal shifts that have occurred, making them even more useful in your life going forward. A great way to do so is to acknowledge out loud or on paper what happened for you. Here are some questions to help you out with that:
What did you become aware of during this time?
What was strengthened within you?
What did you let go of?
What or who showed up from your past that deepened your clarity?
Did you take the cues to slow down or did you plow forward anyway, and what did you notice in either case?
How did your intuition, psychic gifts or superpowers grow? Any new ones? (*This question pertains to this particular Mercury Retrograde period in Pisces, as Pisces is a deeply psychic sign.)
Put simply, how did this energy serve you and how do you intend to carry it forward?
I'd love to hear some of your experiences and answers to these questions, if you feel like sharing and being witnessed. And feel free to share the ridiculous experiences, too, as Mercury Retrograde tends to force us to slow down in really loud ways sometimes. For example, at the start of the retrograde period my phone stopped registering voicemails right away, sometimes taking days for one to show up! Annoying, yes, but it kept me off the phone and allowed me to be more fully present, slow and intentional. I fully expect my phone to work properly again shortly. :) Hit the comment button and share with me what happened for you!
The Gift of Spiritual Alignment
When Nova asked me to write up something about alignment and spirituality my mind went a little bizerk.. How do I find one thing to talk about when there is so much? After some time of processing and thinking, perhaps a little over-thinking, I decided to talk about the gift that alignment and spirituality has brought to my life.
When Nova asked me to write up something about alignment and spirituality my mind went a little bizerk.. How do I find one thing to talk about when there is so much? After some time of processing and thinking, perhaps a little over-thinking, I decided to talk about the gift that alignment and spirituality has brought to my life.
I truly believe there is no greater gift that we can give ourselves, our family, and the world other than the gift of alignment. I see it as the most important work a person can engage in, a game changer of epic proportions. I want to take this opportunity to discuss what alignment means to me, how I’ve personalized something so powerful and how you can do the same.
Put simply, acting in alignment means coming from a place of love. That is the simplest and most profound way I can explain it to my clients. When we practice the art of alignment we are truly practicing coming from love in all areas of our life. This also happens to be what spirituality means to me. Spirituality is an awareness that guides us closer to loving ourselves and others in deeper, more profound ways. That’s it. It’s requires a trusting in something, call it whatever you wish, that when you choose to love, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be, you will be rewarded by your chosen. This happens because when you are acting in alignment with love you are showing up with Higher Self leading the way and that is what our human experience is all about. It is about learning how to blend your human self with your spiritual self, or higher self, that self that is rooted in love. Tell me something better than the feeling of love…. I’ll wait.
I feel the need to clarify that a life in alignment is not a life free of challenge. Quite the opposite, actually. A life of alignment is more like a life grounded in the ability to see the purpose, the opportunity, the gift in all the contrast and challenges that inevitably come with this human experience. It’s a life path that allows us to feel the feels and then to recover back to our authentic state of being, an energy of love, more quickly and with more ease. Strengthening your faith in the belief that life is always working in your favor can sometimes draw more contrast to you—as if you’re being “tested.” You’re not. You’re being given opportunities to walk your talk, to validate the statement, the proof is in the puddin’ (your own life being the pudding). I say this not to evoke fear but rather to somewhat kindly address that this work requires effort, dedication, and consistency. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies, and from my experience can feel like straight hell at times. However, once you begin to recognize the patterns, the flows of life, you begin to relax and trust the natural balance of life that exists with you and for you.
And so, alignment is the most precious ability because it transforms us, empowers us, and gifts us with good feeling feelings more often than not. We all crave to feel love more than we do and yet we stumble not because there is something wrong with us but rather because when we are out of alignment we lack the clarity to see from this higher place. Usually, all we need is someone who sees us through the lens of our Higher Self when we’ve lost sight. The depth of gratitude I feel for being a guide, a way-shower if you will, is difficult to articulate in words. This work resonates with my soul and calls forth the most authentic being I can possibly be. Please know I take this work seriously and with a sense of light-heartedness. I honor your path and encourage you to align with love through the most challenging of times. I am always holding your hand and honoring your own unique journey. I look forward to raising the vibration within you and of this planet. I look forward to seeing you remember to allow love to take the lead, once again.
P.S. Want even more guidance, tips and inspiration on all things Alignment and Energy? Click HERE to request approval to join my Facebook Spiritual Alignment Community Group! It's a very intimate, active community and a great way to connect with like-minded people!
Spiritual Alignment Quick Tip
I know how busy you are, and I'm guessing you've been guilty of convincing yourself that you don't have time to focus on all of this spiritual stuff that you know is good for you (an entirely different topic deserving its own article). So I've decided to make improving your alignment and quality of life easier for you by occasionally offering a "Spiritual Alignment Quick Tip" like the one below. One quick concept, and an easy and practical way to apply it - that's it!
Spiritual Alignment Quick Tip:
I find it useful to designate certain times of the day to train myself into thinking in alignment with what I want to see manifest. My favorite times are: right away when I wake up and get out of bed, right after my girls leave for daycare, bathroom breaks, shower, driving, doing the dishes/laundry, and at the end of the night as I close my eyes to sleep. Basically anytime where your mind is more prone to wander in a direction you don't like is a great time to focus your thoughts on good things!
What does that look like? Anywhere from naming things you are grateful for and appreciative of, noticing the positive aspects of your day or that are physically surrounding you, repeating affirmations or mantras, to just good old fashioned positive self-talk!
This practice has made a tremendous impact not only on the quality of my thoughts and emotions, but what I see show up as a result. Give it a go if you're looking for ways to start telling the story you want to live. And I'd LOVE to hear your experience! Just hit the reply button on this email and tell me all about it!
Enjoy your weekend,
P.S. You are cordially invited to join my Facebook Spiritual Alignment Community where you will get more tips like this, as well as the opportunity to engage with others of like mind and spirit! Request to join by clicking HERE.
Talk As If What You Want is in the Process of Coming
The story we are telling about ourselves, our lives and life in general has a direct impact on our experience. Many like to say "it is what it is" (side note: my husband says this to me on purpose because he knows it drives me crazy) but I would amend this statement to say "it is what I say it is."
Not just fluff - this is how it works: the words you speak represent your current chosen belief and perspective. Everything you encounter will be viewed and experienced from that perspective, which will create your reality. Energetically, the words you speak hold a vibration that the Universe has no choice but to match and bring you more of. Neurologically, the words you speak release specific chemicals in your brain that cause you to feel a certain way; if you say something positive you will feel positive emotions and therefore have a positive experience, and the same goes for a negative statement.
Literally, all you see in your world is your idea about it. That is why two different people can witness the same event and have two completely different experiences of it. You have so much more control over your life than you realize, no matter what is going on around you, but it takes a lot of focus, mindfulness and consistency.
Pay attention to what you're thinking and saying about yourself and life, and if it doesn't feel good, say something that does. Sometimes this takes a bit more effort, especially if you're dealing with something particularly challenging. In this case, I recommend starting off with naming (talking about) whatever you're feeling or thinking without forcing a better version. Process it in a healthy, useful way like journaling or venting ONCE to a trusted friend, then reach for a slightly improved statement, and then another and then another. Work your way up, and see how that experience changes.
Try it on for size, just for today I challenge you to pay special attention to the words that are coming out of your mouth and in between your ears. Notice the quality, based on whether it feels good or bad. If it's good, actively continue in that direction. If it's bad, actively change course. I'd love to know your experience with this, or any further clarifying questions you may have! Hit reply to this email and share/ask away!
To your alignment and mine,
P.S. Want even more guidance, tips and inspiration on all things Alignment and Energy? ClickHERE to request approval to join my Facebook Spiritual Alignment Community Group! It's a very intimate, active community and a great way to connect with like-minded people!
Spiritual Alignment Quick Tip
Let's talk manifestation for a moment, shall we?
This popped up in my FB newsfeed today, and I thought a little expansion on it would make for a fantastic Spiritual Alignment Quick Tip this week:
The most important thing I have ever learned in regard to manifestation/conscious creation is the following statement: "This or something even better, Universe!" - a phrase that captures the essence of both trust and detachment from the result. Following this statement, your only job is to feel good as often as possible in order to keep that door open for the Universe to deliver. This is where the inspired action part comes from as well, in case you're wondering.
I can't tell you the things I've seen show up when consciously using the Law of Attraction with this understanding, both for myself and my clients. The feeling good as often as possible part tends to be the biggest challenge, but once you have a solid strategy in place for doing so, it's not only easy but makes the path to your desired outcome equally amazing and enjoyable - and that's really the whole point in the first place!
What are your most amazing manifestations (big or small)? Hit the reply button and share them with me!
High vibrations sent your way,
P.S. Want even more guidance, tips and inspiration on all things Alignment and Energy? Click HERE to request approval to join my Facebook Spiritual Alignment Community Group! It's a very intimate, active community and a great way to connect with like-minded people!