Honor your progress, you are worthy

Because I know it's Mercury Retrograde and the Universe is likely finding ways to slow you down a bit, or perhaps you're feeling the urge to slow down and focus more on self-care but having a hard time getting your ego-mind on board with that due to old programming, I thought I'd pop in to give you the gentle reminder that everything flows better when you do listen to those prompts and urges.

I encourage you to drop the common story of productivity and accomplishment equaling your self-worth and success, and instead begin embracing and integrating the story of successfully taking care of your energy each day no matter what it looks like, and knowing that you are inherently worthy simply because you exist.

Plus, we've got a couple of weeks left of this Mercury Retrograde in Libra business, so you might as well get ahead of it now. :)


When you worry about what other people think of you


What if you gave yourself permission to be authentically YOU?