A Reader Asks: How Do I Align Myself?

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The other day I posted this quote in my Facebook community, and someone asked a very simple yet hugely important and profound question in response: "And how can I align myself?"

Being that I've been deeply immersed in this Alignment work for ten years now, I sometimes forget to bring it back to the basics, the brass tacks that powerfully started me on this incredible path all those years ago, so I was really grateful for her question. I'm sharing my response here, in case you need a clearer picture of what this Alignment and vibrational business is all about, too, or you need a good reminder to re-orient yourself (something this work asks us to do over and over, I have found).

Here is my response to the reader's question:

"The all-important question right there! One could devote an entire book to this question - and, incidentally, I did - but here's the short answer: you can get into a state of vibrational alignment with Who You Really Are by focusing your awareness on things that make you feel better or good. That improved emotional state will cause your vibration to raise higher, and the higher you go the higher of a state of Alignment you are in, which will give you access to not only more good feelings and experiences, but also the ideas, inspiration, answers, resources, creativity, and best parts of yourself that you want to bring forth.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we dip in and out of alignment naturally on a daily basis, but with some consistent focusing of one's attention and awareness you can spend much more time in those more desirable states of Alignment, as well as recover more quickly and perhaps more easily to Alignment when you inevitably fall out. And truly, anything that falls under the category of "feeling good" can get you there, such as practicing gratitude, looking outside your window and enjoying the scenery, or better yet, going out into nature. Playing with your dog, engaging presently with your kids or loved ones, watching a funny show, reading an inspiring book, meditating, moving your body joyfully - even sleeping can naturally get you back into a state of Alignment because you release all resistance when you're asleep, and upon waking you have sort of a blank slate to work with.

my book I outline a list of daily Alignment practices that help one intentionally focus themselves into Alignment each and every day, that in my experience and observation tend to work really well for most people, and I also cover the parts of the human experience that tend to help support our Alignment as well as the parts that spit us right out - and what you can do in both instances. But again, at the very least, simply allowing yourself to focus on good things, engage in activities and spend time with people that make you feel good, consistently, will pack a huge punch. I hope that helps."

And I hope it helps you, too! For a deeper, more thorough exploration as well as several practical applications that I and my clients swear by, you can grab your copy of "Awake and Aligned: How To Navigate the Human Experience as a Spiritual Being" on Amazon and begin focusing your energy more effectively and easily, opening you up to a world of magic, potential and possibility in as little as a few days.

And if you do, for the love of God please tell me about! I never tire of hearing about the triumphs, the magic, the synchronicity and serendipity that inevitably unfold when one chooses to consciously walk their path of Alignment! Hit the reply button and let me know!


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