Always Be Positive?
I’ve always been described as being a positive person, and in my line of work it kind of goes with the territory. I’ve often been asked what my secret is, how do I stay so positive and optimistic?
Well, here’s the big one: I put the focus on recovering to a higher, more positive and aligned state when I’ve had a human moment vs. striving to be positive ALL the time (which, incidentally, is impossible). And, perhaps more importantly, I allow myself to BE human (which, incidentally, is an unavoidable factor until I croak).
I'll give you an example: I remember a couple of years ago around this time Mother Nature decided to drop a ridiculous snowstorm on us here in MN, despite it already looking and feeling like Spring up until that point.
Already kind of crabby about having to stuff my youngest daughter in all of her snow gear I had optimistically put away for the year, I drove to our daycare in the fiercely blowing wind and blizzard-like conditions.
When the wind blew my car door causing it to hit me in the side of my head while getting her out of the car, I cursed like a sailor (yes, in front of my kid).
As the icy wind continued to whip me in the face and Hazel dropped her stuff in the snow drifts no less than 117 times between the car and the front door to daycare, you could say I was aptly annoyed, especially when I stepped in a bunch of melted snow on the floor inside and got my socks all wet (isn’t that the worst?!)
But that’s normal, and who wouldn’t be annoyed, right?
So I didn’t fight myself on it. Instead, as soon as I got back in my car and pulled out of the driveway, I consciously shifted my focus to feeling better, by focusing on slightly better things and working my way back up: "At least I have the rest of the day to myself to focus, and I work from home so I can get a dry pair of socks on. I know this snow will melt quickly and will probably even make the grass underneath greener. I'm really happy my car drives so well in the snow..."
In no time at all, I worked my way back up the emotional/vibrational ladder to that more Aligned, centered, calm and optimistic state of being, and the rest of the day was much better.
Bottom line is, as long as we are in a human body and are having a human experience full of contrast and unpredictable factors and varying moods, we will always have negative thoughts and emotions to some degree - it's a part of the game we signed up for here on Earth.
So rather than trying to force positivity from yourself all the time, especially when it doesn’t feel authentic to, try putting the focus on recovering to your higher self more quickly and more consistently.
This is one way you can avoid the whole “woke up on the wrong side of the bed” syndrome where you let one or two bad experiences ruin your whole day and keeping you in resistance mode, where none of your desired manifestations can reach you.
And this is how you embrace your humanity while knowing full-well you are first and foremost a spiritual, vibrational being - allowing yourself to be in the receiving mode more often than not, making it easier for your desired manifestations to come to you even when your car door hits you in the face.
I hope that helps as you continue on your journey of working to apply all of these elements to conscious spirituality! And if you feel like sharing any of your favorite human moments where you had no choice but to embrace a few f-bombs before shifting upwards, I'm always up for a good laugh. :)