A Simple Way to Manage Your Energy When You're Sensitive
If you're subscribed to blogs like mine, then you are likely a very energetically-sensitive or empathic person.
As such, you also struggle with that sensitivity from time-to-time, especially because as our world continues to grow and evolve, your sensitivity does right along with it.
We work on this a lot in my various groups that I hold, and there is one technique that I make sure everyone knows to use to better manage our ever-growing energetic sensitivity that is very simple and effective....
At the end of each day, call your energy back to you.
As you lay your head down and close your eyes, say a prayer or mantra to call back any energy that got scattered throughout your day, and release any energy absorbed or negative attachments/stories you've got running.
Then, allow your thoughts to fall softly on small gratitudes and appreciations. Acknowledge yourself for everything you can from the day, even if it’s just that you kept showing up.
Resist the temptation to do that thing we humans like to do at night and replay every bad moment and begin worrying about things that haven’t actually happened yet. If you’re truly worried about something, pose the powerful question of “What if this problem were already solved for me?” or “What if I could move forward in faith and trust?” and hand that sucker over to the Universe/God/Source.
Ask to go to sleep and wake up with a clean and fresh slate.
The key to this practice is that you are bringing consciousness to your energy, and since everything is energy but we rarely are aware of that fact in any given moment, focusing your awareness in this way is really effective.
I'd love to hear how this works for you. Try it for a few nights in a row and let me know how you feel, or what you notice.