What if it were easy to love myself?


Ahhhh self-love. The answer to literally every challenge you have in life, yet it often tends to elude us on this journey, which is really annoying.

Here’s the thing: you do already love yourself. If you are here, living and breathing, you have a base of self-love, you just need to grow it.

There are lots of tools and techniques out there for this, and I very much recommend that you try them out (hint: go to chapter 11 of Awake and Aligned for a really good one), but I think it’s also smart to engage in the Universe’s help and partnership on it by asking a PQ* such as this.

*Reminder: Powerful Questions are positively posed questions that feel good in the asking of them, and here’s the important part – you don’t answer them.

That is the Universe’s job, to take care of “the how” of it all. Your job is to ask, and then get into the receiving mode as often as possible (aka feel good as often as possible) in order to let it in.


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