A Way to Help You with That Challenge You're Facing Right Now
I think it's a safe bet to say that I'm guessing you're dealing with something hard right now - a situation, decision, or challenge - because a) you're human and the human experience is full of contrast to assist in the defining, expressing and becoming of Who We Really Are and we do that through contrast and b) we humans really tend to overcomplicate things sometimes (okay, lots of times).
We get in our head, we try to control and force and micromanage, only to end up feeling exhausted and not much further than where we started. We worry, dance in the energy of anxiety and usually have fear-based internal dialogues going, such as "what if this doesn't work out?"
In essence, we torture ourselves and more often than not are the only culprits responsible for how big and complicated everything feels. And what's worse is that much of the time we are even aware of this.
But...what if none of that were actually necessary? What if we could break that cycle? What if it could all be much, much easier and more simple than we've ever experienced it before?
The truth is, it CAN be easy and you don’t have to do it all alone.
But it does require you to step out of the way and allow the Universe to help.
The Powerful Question above (as well as the others I just posed) is one way to do that, an exceptionally powerful way actually, especially when implemented as a Daily Alignment Practice.
Reminder: Powerful Questions are positively posed questions that feel good in the asking of them, and here’s the important part – you don’t answer them.
You allow the Universe to do that, because it is the Universe/God/Source who is in charge of how "the how" of something happens, not us. We just need to ask, and then surrender (i.e. focus on other things that feel better).
Try it with that situation you're dealing with that's challenging. Pose the question above, or any other version of it that creates even more of a feeling of relief and expansion, or joyful expectation. Then, let it go by actively looking for things to feel good about, as often as you can, for as long as you can. And when you "slip up," just re-orient yourself back to surrender (and process whatever caused you to slip up, if need be).
And let me know what happens. <3
Alignment Hack: What to do if you wake up in a bad mood!
Even though you are on a conscious, spiritual path of Alignment with Who You Really Are, you still have days where you wake up in bad mood - or more accurately, you wake up and negative thoughts get introduced right away that put you in a bad mood - right? That is totally human and nothing to feel bad about, it happens to the best of us.
And like so much of this "navigating the human experience as a spiritual being" stuff offers, it's not about eliminating the experience of being in a bad mood or having negative thoughts; it's about knowing what to do with it when it inevitably happens.
So I present to you this Alignment Hack: If you wake up in a bad mood (or find yourself in a bad mood) always make it your priority to get centered, grounded and aligned first, and before you do anything else.
This is your shortcut to having the best day possible and it’s also how you transform the energy consciously. In other words, this is one of the ways in which you get to be a conscious co-creator, or intentional manifestor.
Plowing forward with disregard for how you feel and not honoring yourself is never the right choice, and actually prevents and delays the good energy you are seeking from coming to you.
Try it out for yourself! Decide right now that the next time you find yourself in a funk, especially if it's right away in the morning, you'll stop everything and do what you need to do to get grounded, centered and aligned (i.e. journaling, meditating, going for a walk, sitting in silence, etc.). Then take note of how the energy changes from there (and how quickly).
Remember, you are in charge of how you experience your day, and usually all it takes is the prioritizing of your energy and emotional needs. Ya just gotta be willing to do that.
How Will I Demonstrate Love Today?
Be the change you wish to see and all of that, right?
Make it easier on yourself, step into that flow more consistently by engaging in your partnership with the Universe on it.
Call that energy forth and allow it to consume you, and watch that love spread.
*Reminder: Powerful Questions are positively posed questions that feel good in the asking of them, and here’s the important part – you don’t answer them.
That is the Universe’s job, to take care of “the how” of it all. Your job is to ask, and then get into the receiving mode as often as possible (aka feel good as often as possible) in order to let it in.
Giving ourselves permission...
This does not mean we have to like or enjoy all of the experiences that come our way, nor does it mean that in the accepting and embracing we should allow the ones we don't like to continue.
It means we get to see it as productive, useful and decide what to do with it.
This is also where the gifts of clarity and opportunity come in, as well as empowerment. You get to give it meaning, what to make of it all.
You get to decide what's next and, most importantly, who you wish to be in light of it.
Embracing a "life is always working for me" belief and perspective is not spiritual bypassing, it's conscious co-creation.
What if it were easy to love myself?
Ahhhh self-love. The answer to literally every challenge you have in life, yet it often tends to elude us on this journey, which is really annoying.
Here’s the thing: you do already love yourself. If you are here, living and breathing, you have a base of self-love, you just need to grow it.
There are lots of tools and techniques out there for this, and I very much recommend that you try them out (hint: go to chapter 11 of Awake and Aligned for a really good one), but I think it’s also smart to engage in the Universe’s help and partnership on it by asking a PQ* such as this.
*Reminder: Powerful Questions are positively posed questions that feel good in the asking of them, and here’s the important part – you don’t answer them.
That is the Universe’s job, to take care of “the how” of it all. Your job is to ask, and then get into the receiving mode as often as possible (aka feel good as often as possible) in order to let it in.
A Simple Way to Manage Your Energy When You're Sensitive
If you're subscribed to blogs like mine, then you are likely a very energetically-sensitive or empathic person.
As such, you also struggle with that sensitivity from time-to-time, especially because as our world continues to grow and evolve, your sensitivity does right along with it.
We work on this a lot in my various groups that I hold, and there is one technique that I make sure everyone knows to use to better manage our ever-growing energetic sensitivity that is very simple and effective....
At the end of each day, call your energy back to you.
As you lay your head down and close your eyes, say a prayer or mantra to call back any energy that got scattered throughout your day, and release any energy absorbed or negative attachments/stories you've got running.
Then, allow your thoughts to fall softly on small gratitudes and appreciations. Acknowledge yourself for everything you can from the day, even if it’s just that you kept showing up.
Resist the temptation to do that thing we humans like to do at night and replay every bad moment and begin worrying about things that haven’t actually happened yet. If you’re truly worried about something, pose the powerful question of “What if this problem were already solved for me?” or “What if I could move forward in faith and trust?” and hand that sucker over to the Universe/God/Source.
Ask to go to sleep and wake up with a clean and fresh slate.
The key to this practice is that you are bringing consciousness to your energy, and since everything is energy but we rarely are aware of that fact in any given moment, focusing your awareness in this way is really effective.
I'd love to hear how this works for you. Try it for a few nights in a row and let me know how you feel, or what you notice.
Alignment Break: Finding Flow When You Feel Stuck
In last week's Alignment Break video, I talked about two important Alignment practices to help tackle the lows of a winter season. This week we are going to build on those techniques with other ways you can support your Alignment journey when winter arrives.
As I said last time, winter can be the actual season which for many of us can bring a cold, stagnant period, or the metaphorical winter of the lows, or ebbs which arrive as part of the natural rhythms of life.
This week we are exploring something simple you can do to enhance your life when life feels difficult or stagnant - a technique that can help you get back into a state of flow...
Remember, when you feel good it means you are in a state of Alignment and are vibrating at a much higher level, and when you are in a state of Alignment you are a magnet for everything that you want to come to you. Furthermore, you deserve to feel good no matter what the external circumstance is. Watch the video, I think it will help.
Alignment Break: The Two Most Important Alignment Practices for Winter
In this week's Alignment Break video, I'm discussing the two most important Alignment practices I recommend to tackle the lows of winter which can throw you out of your regular flow.
Now, that can mean the literal winter that many of us are in right now, or it can be a more metaphorical experience - one of the ebbs or lows we go through as part of this human experience.
Whether you are dealing with really cold temperatures or you are going through a metaphorical winter I want to highlight these two tools you can use to get back into a higher vibrational state of Alignment.
As I mention in the video, the real magic happens when you can commit to a consistent, daily practice using these two tools of gratitude and journaling together.
If you feel called to go deeper with these techniques you can read more in chapters 20 and 21 of my book - Awake & Aligned: How to Navigate the Human Experience as a Spiritual Being