Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

How To Refocus Your Energy When You're Just Not Feeling It

Many mistake this time of year for being a time to hit the ground running, get after those goals, resolutions and intentions you set, and then end up encountering a lot of resistance in their attempt to do so.

This is because winter, no matter the climate, is a more inward, sacred, slow and spiritual time for us, offering the opportunity to get quieter and slow down to connect within. It's an opportunity to allow what wants to come through you this year the time to incubate, gestate, and take form as your energy recalibrates to all of the new possibilities, dreams and desires you have. It's a purposeful time for your inner world to align with what you'd like to see in your outer world.

And yet that doesn't mean that we cease all doing, action-taking and productivity - we still have a human life to live that needs certain things to function and flow well, right? It means that we approach the "doing" part differently, and a big part of that is about making room for pausing so that you can refocus your energy, to ask what is most needed right now so you can move forward without resistance.

Your prompt to do this is any time you feel that resistance - which can come in the form of stress, overwhelm, fatigue, confusion, intense negative emotions, feeling scattered, stuck, etc.

This is how our Soul/Higher Self/Inner Being communicates with us, gets our attention to let us know that we have temporarily stepped out of flow so that we will take the time to stop, slow down, and reevaluate from a higher vantage point, which often requires some rest or distance first so it's also a good idea to decide ahead of time to be okay with that.

If you find yourself struggling halfway into this first month of this brand new year, and especially if you find it's a thing every year, I invite you to give yourself an opportunity to try things differently, and then note what happens. I think you'll be happier with what you find, and you'll be able to take it forward better into the other seasons, cycles and rhythms of the year.

And if you'd like some added inspiration and guidance to start off your year Aligned and in the energy of abundance, don't forget to take advantage of the free gifts I offered in last week's newsletter. If you didn't see it, I've partnered with some amazing Transformational Authors who are currently giving away some powerful content (E-books and programs) to help you get into the flow of abundance this year! You can check them all out HERE and take advantage of any or all that speak to you.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Raise Your Abundance Vibration in 2022!

Happy New Year! I gotta say, I am liking the vibe of this year. As someone who has been able to perceive and read energy her whole life, I like to take the energetic pulse each year, paying special attention to how it feels energetically. In 2020 it felt very strange and...complicated (and we all know how that year turned out), 2021 felt better and more purposeful but still not "light," whereas 2022 has a lightness and expansiveness to it that I haven't felt in seemingly forever - it actually makes me really excited and gives me a lot of hope!

So in the spirit of this higher-vibrating, hope and possibility-filled energy, I'd like to gift you with something that will add abundance and joy to your life, giving you the tools to align with this energy in a way that helps you attract and allow in more of the good stuff!

I've partnered with a group of amazing transformational authors and leaders to provide you with tools that are not only inspiring and encouraging, but actually help you create a more abundant and joy-filled (aka Aligned) life!

It is called "The Abundant Life Gift Giveaway" and offers you 8 unique and powerful gifts to raise your spirit, vibration and your abundance. You can download all of these free Ebooks and Programs, or choose the ones you need most right now.

Access your gifts HERE.

Best of all, they are all free! And I have to name, I don't partner with anyone I don't feel aligned with, so I am confident that you will find something that lights up your Soul and sparks you on your conscious and aligned path this year!

This free gift offer includes some of the most powerful tools for you to use and share with help you:

  • Raise your money vibe and watch what happens next!

  • Tune into the signs from the angelic realm

  • Overcome the FIVE obstacles that are preventing your success

  • Learn the 7 communication mistakes you can easily avoid

  • Go from chaos to clarity with proven brain science strategies.

Check out all these gifts -- one of them is bound to be just what you need right now, and consider that you opening this email and reading these words may not be an accident...(this is where I would add #synchronicity if I used hashtags :) ).

You can access your Free Gifts HERE.

And if you do take advantage, I'd love to hear what you think of it/them and especially how they've helped you! Email me any time!

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Santa Claus is Real

As we get ready for that part of the season that is sacred, quiet, special and full of the magic and wonder most of us remember from our childhood, I wanted to share with you a passage from my book that is near and dear to my heart.

I was about 11 or 12 years old and shared a very magical experience with my Mom...

It was Christmas Eve night and, unbeknownst to the rest of the household, she and I had happened to come out in the living room in the middle of the night at the exact same time to sit by the softly lit tree. I was secretly trying to catch Santa in action, of course, but I’m not sure why she was out there.

We sat by the tree together, talking about the magic of Christmas and using a crystal pendulum she had, that we sometimes used to talk to our angels, when this particular old-fashioned Santa Claus ornament caught both of our eyes at the exact same time.

Trust me, I KNOW how crazy and perhaps stupid this sounds, but we both saw that sucker wink at us!

We both reacted at the same exact moment, so it wasn’t just one of us trying to make the night more magical and special for the other by saying it out loud and causing the other to see what they wanted to see. We sat there in shock, laughing at what had just occurred in delight and gratitude.

In fact, from that Christmas Eve on we made it a tradition to meet each other in the middle of the night to try to recapture that same magic, though I don’t think anything like that ever happened again. But this experience was largely why I continued to cling to this idea of Santa Claus existing, really using it as a representation that magic itself does exist.

Whichever holiday you celebrate, I wish you more of the magic, wonder, sacredness, stillness, inner peace, love, joy and possibility than you’ve ever experienced before, and may it follow you forward into 2022 and beyond.

And truly, thank you so much for being here with me.

PS. If you would like to read more of my book Awake & Aligned, you can find it in paperback, eBook or audio version on Amazon HERE.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Seasonal Stress? Don't forget to take an Alignment Break

How is this final month of the year going for you? Need a break from it all yet? It's okay to admit it's not all joy and happy happy amongst the holiday cheer - and if you are full of joy, don't be scared to share that, too.

Wherever you find yourself, I'm guessing you could use a break to check in with YOU and your own Alignment, and I've got a great way for you to do so.

Below I'm re-sharing a few of the key "Alignment Break" videos from my Youtube channel from earlier this year, which might be useful tools to support you through the end of the year as well as prepare you for a magical and Aligned 2022!

Here they are:

In this short video, I share some tips that were game-changers for me when learning all of this Alignment stuff, making it all much, much easier and more effective.

In this video, I share with you my tried and true Alignment technique for when you find yourself in an ebb, stuck, stagnant, and overwhelmed, but you really want to continue moving forward.

In this Alignment Break, I share an alignment technique I find really useful when dealing with a challenging situation - the pivot.

In this Alignment Break, I discuss how to create more abundance in your life.

I hope you'll check them out, and I'd love it if you'd hit that like button, leave a comment and subscribe if you haven't done so already. And if your end-of-year reflections have brought up any topics or issues you'd like me to tackle in a future video, please email me to let me know!

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Keep Choosing Alignment

Keep practicing and choosing alignment.

And remember that “good” depends on where you are at, so sometimes it just looks like reaching for rest or relief while other times gratitude, joy, love, etc.

Remember, you have to slow down enough to do this, pause long enough to discern what will feel the best.

This can be the most challenging during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, but anything is possible when one is committed to their desire to feel better, when you understand that how you feel dictates everything in life from not only results and what you attract but to your experience of the unfolding of things.

And consider this your midweek reminder that you deserve to feel good.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

A Challenge For The Season

Oh boy do we all need to hear this, over and over again, yeah? Especially as we embark upon a season that is known for the hustle and bustle, the over-committing and stretching oneself too thin for reasons that aren't even very clear to us, the exhaustion and burnout.

I have an idea...let's commit to not experiencing it all that way this time, okay?

Let's commit together to allowing ourselves all of the rest, the breaks, the time-outs, the downtime, the periods of doing nothing, the stillness and the quiet, the saying no out of self-love and love for others (because when we say yes out of obligation we are not doing anyone any favors) that we not only need but want, and simply because we deserve it.

This story won't change unless we do something to change it, so disrupt your old pattern of going through the expected and conditioned motions and do it differently - do what you really want - and see what happens.

Allow yourself to notice that the world will not come crashing down, people won't actually abandon and reject you, it's okay to let others have their response to your aligned choices, and life actually continues on anyway...except that it is improved, because you now have more spaciousness, more freedom, more peace and more joy. Commit to that with me, will you?

I wish you a slow, leisurely, beautiful and joyful Thanksgiving weekend if you celebrate, and even if you don't, and please know I am so thankful you are here in my community, and for your simple existence.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Alignment Break: Real Life Example of Alignment in Action

Today's Alignment Break video is a real-life example of Alignment work in action based on an experience of my own earlier this week.

I wanted to share the details of how I turned around a typical everyday life experience using the techniques I teach and share with my clients. It may surprise you to know that being an Alignment coach doesn't make you immune to bad moments and difficult times.

My human experience is just like yours, and I also need to work on focusing my energy back to flow and disrupt the downward spirals that can happen when you are faced with a challenge (in this case a really crappy start to the day!)

So, I'd love you to take a listen to the video below where I describe one way of meeting yourself where you're at when you have one of these moments and how it's possible to pause everything and access the peace, presence and flow that never truly abandon us.

Let me know it lands with you, or what other questions or comments you have by replying to this email or leaving a comment on my Youtube channel!

And don't forget to send me any questions you may have about spirituality, energy, vibration, metaphysics, conscious co-creation, Alignment, and how the heck to actually enjoy being human within it all - I'll create an Alignment Break video addressing it.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

When you worry about what other people think of you

One of my members from my Spiritual Alignment Membership program reached out to me the other day asking a question that I know each and every one of us can relate to, and it's likely you're wondering the answer to yourself.

It has to do with caring what others think of us - which, I know, we all like to think that we don't and maybe you even have moments where it truly has no influence on you (symptom of Alignment right there, btw).

Yet I also know that because you're a spiritual being navigating a very HUMAN experience, you also probably find yourself in the experience of caring too much about what others think more than you'd prefer. So I thought I'd share her question and my answer with you, in case it helps you navigate this one better, too:

Her Question:

Hi Nova! Doing some deeper exploring I have noticed that my biggest fears, setbacks, and anxiety come from a fear of what people think of me or what they will think of me. I’m trying to not care but it has been deeply rooted in me. Do you have any good ideas on how to move away from caring so much what others think and just being happy with my own choices?

My Response:

Good for you for doing some deeper exploring around all of this - consciousness is the first step! The second step regarding this particular topic, I would say, is to let it be okay that you care. In other words, rather than trying to achieve the damn near impossible feat of actually not caring what other people think, release a bit of that resistance by letting it be okay that you care - because you care about others and you care about yourself and ultimately want harmony amongst everyone - and you prefer to be liked, accepted and respected. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that!

The actual rub is when we allow what others think of us to dictate how we feel in general, and more importantly how we feel and think about ourselves, not to mention our choices. So that's where the work lies. Not necessarily in taking each instance where we notice that anxiety getting triggered and attempting to unpack it and release that caring or influence right then and there, but rather by building up your relationship with yourself so solidly and strongly that although it may sting when someone doesn't agree with or like you/your choices, it doesn't pull you under or send you on some awful emotional detour.

This focusing on your relationship with yourself will also help the temptation to speculate or spend any time or energy making negative assumptions about what people are thinking of you dissipate, so that you eventually just don't do it very often or at all. I can attest to that one, and let me tell you, it is absofrickinlutely liberating.

So one way to implement this strategy is to...

a) pause when you notice yourself going down that anxiety-ridden rabbit hole of "what will they think of me" and reminding yourself that it's okay to care, but redirect the question to "what do I think of me/my choice/whatever," and

b) work that daily practice of WILAM - or What I Love About Me (from the chapter in my book called "Be Your Own BFF"). Get into the daily practice and rhythm of noticing and writing down all of the things you like, love, enjoy, and appreciate about yourself, as well the things you can acknowledge yourself for doing well or ways in which you show up that you can feel good about.

And, of course, give it time for your vibration around this to catch up with the new story you are telling yourself about it all, being as self-compassionate and loving as you can in the meantime. I hope this helps - and keep me posted on your experience please!

I'd love to know how my answer lands with you, or what your approach to this human experience is. Hit the Comments button and share with me!

And if you find yourself wanting more consistent and conscious support like the above, consider joining my Spiritual Alignment Membership program, where you'll join a community of wonderful people who are all working to live a conscious, Aligned life with more joy, ease, and consistency. We'd love to have you there, too!

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