Alignment Break: One Tiny Thing Technique
I've been having a lot of conversations with people lately about what to do when you feel overwhelmed, stuck, stagnant, or just in a general low-energy ebb, yet you still need to keep things moving because yes, you're a bright, beautiful, and spiritual being of love and light and Divinity AND you are also human, doing the human thing, too.
I'm thinking a lot of you energetically sensitive and empathic souls out there tend to encounter this a lot - I know I do - so I created a brief video sharing my go-to Alignment Technique for when this happens.
A Reader Asks: How Do I Align Myself?
The other day I posted this quote in my Facebook community, and someone asked a very simple yet hugely important and profound question in response: "And how can I align myself?"
Being that I've been deeply immersed in this Alignment work for ten years now, I sometimes forget to bring it back to the basics, the brass tacks that powerfully started me on this incredible path all those years ago, so I was really grateful for her question. I'm sharing my response here, in case you need a clearer picture of what this Alignment and vibrational business is all about, too, or you need a good reminder to re-orient yourself (something this work asks us to do over and over, I have found).
Here is my response to the reader's question:
"The all-important question right there! One could devote an entire book to this question - and, incidentally, I did - but here's the short answer: you can get into a state of vibrational alignment with Who You Really Are by focusing your awareness on things that make you feel better or good. That improved emotional state will cause your vibration to raise higher, and the higher you go the higher of a state of Alignment you are in, which will give you access to not only more good feelings and experiences, but also the ideas, inspiration, answers, resources, creativity, and best parts of yourself that you want to bring forth.
As spiritual beings having a human experience, we dip in and out of alignment naturally on a daily basis, but with some consistent focusing of one's attention and awareness you can spend much more time in those more desirable states of Alignment, as well as recover more quickly and perhaps more easily to Alignment when you inevitably fall out. And truly, anything that falls under the category of "feeling good" can get you there, such as practicing gratitude, looking outside your window and enjoying the scenery, or better yet, going out into nature. Playing with your dog, engaging presently with your kids or loved ones, watching a funny show, reading an inspiring book, meditating, moving your body joyfully - even sleeping can naturally get you back into a state of Alignment because you release all resistance when you're asleep, and upon waking you have sort of a blank slate to work with.
In my book I outline a list of daily Alignment practices that help one intentionally focus themselves into Alignment each and every day, that in my experience and observation tend to work really well for most people, and I also cover the parts of the human experience that tend to help support our Alignment as well as the parts that spit us right out - and what you can do in both instances. But again, at the very least, simply allowing yourself to focus on good things, engage in activities and spend time with people that make you feel good, consistently, will pack a huge punch. I hope that helps."
And I hope it helps you, too! For a deeper, more thorough exploration as well as several practical applications that I and my clients swear by, you can grab your copy of "Awake and Aligned: How To Navigate the Human Experience as a Spiritual Being" on Amazon and begin focusing your energy more effectively and easily, opening you up to a world of magic, potential and possibility in as little as a few days.
And if you do, for the love of God please tell me about! I never tire of hearing about the triumphs, the magic, the synchronicity and serendipity that inevitably unfold when one chooses to consciously walk their path of Alignment! Hit the reply button and let me know!
What Mercury Retrograde is Inviting You to Do
We are about midway through this Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius. we doing? :)
I'll be honest, this one has kind of been a bitch for me. My Mercury Retrograde casualties thus far have included:
a still unknown alarm going off in the middle of the night scaring the crap out of my husband and I
my fan I keep on at night just randomly turns off by itself now
our not-that-old tv died out of the blue
the pilot light on the fireplace went out (and my husband found a dead frog inside when he was fixing it - wth?! )
LOTS of miscommunications and a few reschedules
a few reveals that were along the shocking variety
and two cash registers stopped working when I tried to check out
Typically I don’t experience MR quite to this extreme, and I am usually one of the few who don't make a big deal out of it and encourage embracing rather than resisting this astrological phenomenon, so I feel mildly offended that it hasn't been so nice to me. ;) But then I remind myself of its purpose, which is to aide in our co-creative story moving forward, inviting us to be more intentional, aware, conscious and active in what we are creating. So rather than grumbling (too much), I am choosing to recognize that if it is this loud in my experience, there must be a lot I need to reflect on (and all of the other "re" words above). And if that's true, there must be some pretty amazing and profound shifts occurring and laying ahead - I can get on board with that!
So if you’re having one heckuva Mercury Retrograde ride like me, remember that the challenges that arise during this time serve to point us where to look and show us what themes need our attention the most. And even though it may not look like it at first, they are serving to work for us in some way, not against us. Can it be utterly annoying sometimes? Yes, it certainly can be, but if we stay conscious and connected to the bigger picture and do our inner work it can lead to some pretty profound growth! And, of course, grumbling and throwing around a few f-bombs throughout the process is perfectly acceptable if needed, as long as you don’t stay there.
My advice? Create some space and time to reconnect with yourself and reflect on some of the things that are currently unfolding in your life. Look to see what information these things bring with them, what your Soul is trying to communicate to you through them (Mercury is the planet of information and communication, after all, among other things). Go through the list above and see which words jump out at you, as that will give you insight on what you might most right about now. And above all, just roll with Mercury Retrograde as best you can, stay in your own lane, be mindful of your words, and take nothing personally! Oh, and if things seem to be moving painstakingly slow, know that it's by design, and things will flow again soon - take advantage of the opportunity to focus inward so that when life does move, you are more than ready for it.
I'd love to hear you MR stories and experiences so far and what you are gleaning from it - comment below and share with me!
A Message of Hope
In my 12 years of doing this work, I have observed the above quote to be irrevocably true. It falls under the "chaos before reordering" theory, and I've learned to no longer get scared when I notice that things appear to be particularly challenging, and instead look forward with positive expectation, curiosity, and wonder.
To be transparent with you, I've been having a week. Okay, maybe two. And judging by what I'm hearing from clients, community and group members, and even friends and family, I'm not alone in that.
We are in that period of chaos that proceeds great change, the reordering that we've been asking for, it just doesn't quite look like it yet. It's that space in between what was and what isn't here yet, and that can feel confusing and uncomfortable, to say the least.
Yet it doesn't always have to be. Here's what I have found works in this space:
First off, acknowledging consciously the above, what's really happening. That life isn't happening to you, it's happening through you, and if you're seeing things go wrong or feel particularly challenging or chaotic, it's about to get really good, really soon. This is just your tip off from the Universe that that is the case.
Secondly, rather than continuing to walk around in a state of confusion, or what I like to call "what-the-fuckery" (I would apologize for my language, but I happen to like swearing and feel it is actually highly spiritual), shift into and cultivate a state of wonder and curiosity instead.
How might you do that? By asking the all-powerful question of "What if?" and forming your thoughts and words into "I wonder" statements, either out loud or in your journal.
For example, ask:
What if things just got better and better from here on out?
What if this is the blessing I have been praying for?
What if I knew with certainty that everything was going to be okay, better that okay?
What if, even now, I can trust?
I wonder how this is a good thing? I wonder what beauty, magic and miracles are coming from this? I wonder how my life is about to explode in goodness and abundance?
Notice how you feel when you ask these questions, when you give it this reframe. That feeling is your indication that it’s truth. Trust it.
Happy Full Blue Moon Halloween!!
Halloween has traditionally been my favorite holiday, and even though this year I have been a bit less enthused about it due to several inches of snow getting dumped on us here in Minnesota throughout this month, I am getting back into the spirit as my spidey senses start to notice the energy ramping up - not just because it's Halloween, but because we have a Full Blue Moon in Taurus ON Halloween this year - of course in 2020, right?
But here's the thing, the potential it holds is more magical than scary IF you know how to move with it rather than against it (aka from a place of Alignment).
I created a short video for you with some channeled guidance on how to do that. :)
If you follow the 3 powerful tips I share, you will not only understand the bigger picture process that takes place when energy gets nutty and amplified like this, but you will maximize the energy of this potent Full Moon, bringing in the energy of miracles, magic, and Alignment into your life!
And I think we can agree that we're all more than ready for that kind of energy to come in.
I also have a special gift for you at the end, so be sure to watch the whole video! And as always, comment below to share your thoughts, questions and experiences with me - I am always game to hear about it!
If you have been feeling stuck, stagnant, triggered, agitated, confused, overwhelmed, etc., OR if you consider yourself to be empathic or energetically sensitive, you are definitely going to want to watch this video asap. Full Moons can hit us the hardest, eh?
Before You Do Anything, Do This First
Today I'd love to share with you a really important aspect to navigating the human experience as the spiritual, energetic being that you are. It is one of those things that can make or break not only what you are attracting into your experience, but how you experience every single thing in your life (i.e. in a good, positive, flowing way or a difficult, full of obstacles and resistance sort of way). This aspect is often referred to as "lining up your energy," or as I like to call it, "get into Alignment and then..."
Because we are taught and conditioned to react to life vs. respond to life, to push forward and "make things happen," most people don’t take the time to line up their energy (i.e. thoughts, feelings, intentions) before diving into a task, project or segment of their day, moving into it from an unconscious, autopilot place or just crossing their fingers things will work to their benefit. As a result, you typically find yourself spending most of your time and energy on damage control or recovering to a more solid place after you've been distracted or even rocked by whatever happened. That's because, vibrationally speaking, the approach we've been taught doesn't make sense.
When we’re focused on the problem and the feeling of being stuck, scared, or in a state of lack, we are vibrating so low that we literally don’t have access to the resources, ideas, solutions, clarity, drive, etc. that we need to move through any given thing with the grace, ease and success we desire. In other words, the vibration we are practicing when we are reacting or just plowing forward does not match the vibration of the outcome we want, so it literally can't happen.
The key to consciously creating the best possible experience and outcome every single time? Take the time to line up your energy first, or put another way, feel good FIRST and THEN proceed with your actions. This puts you in a state of allowing, where everything you want and need can come to you more easily, and you can access your best, highest Self.
Seriously, practice this approach with any sort of consistency and it's a huge game-changer.
So your task must be to first get into a higher state of energy, a higher vibration, where you can once again access what you need. This can be done in a variety of ways, as I've covered before, such as taking a few minutes to focus on positive aspects and things you appreciate/feel grateful for before diving in, or closing your eyes and meditating briefly or taking some slow, full intentional deep breaths. It can also look like going outside to get some fresh air and allowing yourself to be present as you take in the sights, smells, sounds, and feelings. Heck, you could do some jumping jacks first and that would do the trick, triggering your brain to release some happy chemicals to help you feel good.
Whatever it looks like, the key is to remember to actually do it, and visual, physical reminders are a great way to ensure that happens. So write down the words "Get into Alignment and Then..." or "Feel Good First and Then..." or even "Remember to line up your energy!" on a piece of paper, at the top of your calendar or as a screensaver on your phone or computer - whatever works! Eventually, this will become habit and you'll start to really see and experience what it means to be a conscious co-creator.
Let me know how this lands with you, or what will you do to line up your energy and feel good first before you dive into it all - comment below!
REST...To Be Your Best
So I invite you to listen to yourself today, this week, especially now, during this time of year where we feel ourselves wanting to rest more, hibernate, and be still and quiet. Ask your body, heart, mind and Soul what they need. Journal about it, meditate on it, or just notice the signs and symptoms, and then do something radical: listen to and honor them, and then watch what happens next.
NOTE: this message applies to any and every day of the week!
This seemed like a good time to pop in and remind you of this underrated and not-talked-about-enough principle of Alignment. In a world that has this backwards, glorifying the packed schedule and busy life, teaching that working yourself to death is noble and the only way to success, we wonder why so many people experience increasing amounts of anxiety, overwhelm, stress and depression. It doesn't have to be this way, folks.
In fact, if you start playing around with this, listening to those prompts that your body, spirit and oftentimes the whole damn Universe itself is giving you - in the form of feeling an illness coming on, seeing the words "slow down" all over the place, feeling tired or introspective, or the stress and overwhelm themselves - you will begin to notice a trend where upon giving yourself that space and time to rest, you notice that you are in the flow more. You're more productive. You have more energy, focus, drive and motivation. Ease. Abundance. Joy. Peace. Doesn't that sound wonderful?
You can't get to those things by pushing, forcing, fighting, insisting, straining. It's called living in a state of resistance, where you are only drawing more of the same to yourself. And that's not fun nor is it sustainable.
So I invite you to listen to yourself today, this week, especially now, during this time of year where we feel ourselves wanting to rest more, hibernate, and be still and quiet. Ask your body, heart, mind and Soul what they need. Journal about it, meditate on it, or just notice the signs and symptoms, and then do something radical: listen to and honor them, and then watch what happens next.
It is not unusual for me to have a day full of the grandest intentions of productivity and flow, only to immediately recognize it is a day of resting and tending to my own energy. I have come to recognize these days as the most productive of all, because not only do I know there's a ton going on behind the scenes on my behalf (thank you, Cosmic Team and Universe!), my energy is being reorganized and restored to support me better, and usually the very next day I am kicking ass far better than I would have on the day I originally intended.
Through my years of experience, observation, and guiding my clients through this part of the Alignment process, I am certain that this is how it works. All of life is rooted in energy, and we have not been taught how to recognize the natural ebb and flow, much less work with it. But there's no better time to start than now, so don't just take my word for it, try for yourself! Simply notice the next time you can tell it's time to rest and tend to your own energy better, make the proper adjustments to do so (i.e. say no to an obligation, take the day off, give yourself a day in bed Netflix binging, etc.), and note what happens next.
And do let me know your experience, I can't get enough of hearing this stuff. Hit the comment button and share away!
What To Do When Life Feels Big and Intense
I want to share the important stuff I would have you know about the energies right now, in case you, like many others, are finding yourself saying things like "wtf is going on right now?" :) The stuff that will help you move through it from the bigger-picture perspective and use it all for the purpose in which it's intended.
Every now and then I write a post like this...
And it usually coincides with some big cosmic occurrences in the skies, such as eclipses and planets going retrograde, which, incidentally, is a thing right now. But I won't go into those details here - I see astrology as an influence, a catalyst for the inevitable ebb and flow and expansion of the Universe and the whole "spiritual being having a human experience" thing.
Instead of going too deeply into those details, I want to share the important stuff I would have you know about the energies right now, in case you, like many others, are finding yourself saying things like "wtf is going on right now?" :) The stuff that will help you move through it from the bigger-picture perspective and use it all for the purpose in which it's intended.
The nuts and bolts of it are:
We're stepping into Eclipse season (new moon eclipse on July 2nd, full moon eclipse on July 16th), which is known to amplify certain things in your life to create doors opening and closing. Eclipses shine the light on things that were previously not too visible to us, for the purposes of ushering certain parts of our lives (wondering which part for you? Ask yourself what is the loudest right now.) forward; consider this a turning point in that area, and it can be an aspect that's visible for all to see or more of an internal shift that maybe only you notices.
Mercury goes retrograde on July 7th and we're in the "shadow period" of it right now, which means you may already be noticing things around technology, communication, scheduling, etc. going a bit awry. Don't worry, this isn't just a middle finger from the Universe that has no rhyme or reason - there's a purpose. (read on)
Lots of other planets doing lots of other things that I don't quite understand or ever remember the terminology enough to articulate, but they are all influencing the shifts that are happening in your life in some way. Oh, and we just had the solstice, and we're coming up on the official halfway point of the calendar year, so there's some significance there as well.
In general, this is a time of big shift for everyone, both individually and collectively.
What you can do with all of this awareness that can help you move through your big shift more gracefully and easily is:
Slow down before the Universe forces you to in some way that you probably won't prefer. Create some space in your calendar, try not to overbook.
Prioritize self-care. No really, don't just talk about it and nod your head in agreement - do it. Naps, being out in nature, focusing on your daily spiritual practice, eating well, getting enough sleep, connecting with people who uplift you, massages, bubble baths, Netflix binging - whatever floats your boat! But do it with consistency throughout the month, not just once or twice. And if you're especially tired lately or in the days to come, don't make yourself wrong for it - sleep. There's a ton of energy moving in, through and around us lately, and if you're sensitive to energy you are probably feeling it. It's all good. The extra sleep helps with integration and release.
Say no to anything that feels like an obligation or doesn't bring you joy, and pay attention to when you no longer feel like doing things that were previously a yes for you. The energy during these times can shift quickly and with it, your moods. Let it all be okay.
Recognize that you're not the only one being impacted by these energies, so practice kindness, empathy and compassion while you also stick to your boundaries and tend to your own energy. In other words, don't take on other people's stuff, allow them to have their own experience. We're all divinely supported in this.
Hit the pause button - a lot, as many times as you need to, and especially when you notice yourself getting triggered by someone or something. Create space to be with what comes up in a healthy way, such as journaling, venting (but only once, don't continue to beat that drum or you won't get out of that energy you don't want to be in in the first place), crying, napping, meditating on it or engaging in physical movement to let that energy move through you. Do your best to consciously respond, rather than react.
Play, relax, laugh, focus on joy and gratitude, and engage in things that bring you pleasure as much as humanly possible! Prioritize fun! This doesn't have to be a serious, heavy time; in fact, intentionally prioritizing play, pleasure and fun can make this season of shift feel like a breeze!
I hope shining the light on and naming what's going on collectively is useful to you, and I encourage you to implement some of the suggestions above. If you need any direct help with it during this time, please reach out to me, even if it's just to ask a question about all of this. And feel free to share in your experience by hitting the reply button, I'd love to hear!