Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Free time vs Availability - how to honor your time, energy and inner freedom


The other day I saw a quote on social media that had me yelling "Omg YES!!" It said:

"Let's normalize not confusing someone's free time with their availability." ~ Broderick Hunter

And isn't that such a perfect quote to reflect on and integrate during Mercury Retrograde?

Scheduling, technology, and communication snafus and mishaps tend to mark this astrological transit, all in the name of getting us to slow down, reflect, re-evaluate and recommit to showing up in ways that support our Alignment with Who We Really Are, and take away from it.

Overextending ourselves, saying yes out of obligation, and putting the assumed well-being of another at the cost of our own are some of the most common ways we disconnect from ourselves and our purpose, and the above cultural story about "free time" is a big influence over that.

So if this has you yelling "Omg, YES!" as well, I encourage you to commit or re-commit right now to never again forcing yourself to come up with a justification or white lie as to why you are not available for something that you have the actual physical time for.

Practice simply saying no, without even offering a why - the pause after the word no is so powerful, even if it’s uncomfortable at first. And if you’re really bold and brave, practice saying “I’m not feeling it but thank you” or “Thank you but I don’t want to” and then give the space for the pause, and allow the other their own experience of your choice.

And consider this, even if the people in your life are initially not fans of your new radical honesty and commitment to honoring yourself, they are most likely responding from a place of frustration or sadness over their own perceived limitations around being able to honor themselves.

Trust that it WILL plant a seed for them to give themselves permission to do the same... eventually... and over time we can eradicate this really stupid and exhausting cultural norm. We can then co-create a new norm that says it is entirely okay to take care of your time and energy the way you see fit as well as honor that in others, without justification, explanation, or anything that is not rooted in trust and inner freedom.

I don't know about you, but the idea of living in a world where that is the common vibe excites the hell out of me.

I am putting together more "Alignment Break" videos as we speak and I'd love your help! What questions do you have, what particular aspects of the conscious, spiritual journey, Alignment, energy and vibration do you struggle with the most?

Send me an email with your question(s) and I will strive to answer it in a future video! Feel free to speak to your specific situations and experiences as well, as contextualizing often helps us all get bigger, headier concepts.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

An Energetic Head's Up for a week full of opportunity

We are in a big week energetically with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on Wednesday and Mercury turning retrograde this weekend, among other things, so I thought I'd share with you the Energetic Head's Up video I did for my Membership members this week to help you navigate everything smoothly and consciously.

In this video, I highlight the most important aspects, invitations, and opportunities that this eclipse energy is offering us, as well as how to best take advantage from a place of Alignment.

Oh, and there's an oracle card reading in there for you, too!

I hope it helps you maximize the good stuff and reduce the amount of confusion, chaos, intensity, and discomfort that full moons and eclipses can bring - all in the name of big and positive change, of course, but our human side doesn't always catch on to that right away, yeah?

And I'd love to hear your experiences with this energy!

Tell me what's showing up for you - how is your story being ushered forward?

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Make tending to your own well-being a priority

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I just wanted to drop in and reinforce this message that I saw on Facebook the other day. It hit home for me, and I imagine it does for a lot of people - especially the energetically sensitive, empathic type.

We as a collective are in the process of flipping the script on what we've been told about prioritizing our own needs, mental and emotional health, and overall well-being, I believe, but we're not quite there yet. As with many, if not all, great changes, it starts with the individual.

How are you doing with saying yes to everything that supports your Alignment, and your ability to show up in this world the way that you want to?

How are you doing with giving yourself permission to say no and change your mind when you recognize it's what you really need and want? And how are you at giving yourself permission to do so even when you know you might disappoint others?

None of this is easy - at first. But I find that it gets easier the more you do it. Make tending to your own well-being and mental health (aka your own alignment) your number one priority.

It is not selfish to do so, no matter what you’ve been taught or what was demonstrated to you. It is the very thing that allows you to show up well for others in life, to contribute to the well-being of all even, and to truly live your life's purpose.

All of that is important, of course, but make no mistake - it is first and foremost absolutely because you are 100% worthy and deserving of feeling good and being happy. Let's normalize that awareness.

I invite you to do a quick inventory, and ask yourself in this moment, "what is one thing I can do, adjust, or cancel to give myself more love, support and spaciousness today?"

And then do it, consciously allowing anyone impacted by your choice to have their own experience of it.

And then watch what happens next, and as a result; you just may find that it all works out for the better, and that other person is more than okay with your choice.

But you will definitely find yourself feeling better for it, happier and more relaxed and capable - all of which are powerful points of attraction for what you're inviting into your life next.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Free Month of Alignment, Anyone?

This month marks the 3-year anniversary of my book, "Awake and Aligned: How to Navigate the Human Experience as a Spiritual Being", being published AND I just submitted the audiobook version to my publishers for its soon-to-be release! Long ago, I was taught to celebrate every single win that I possibly can, because a) we're not really taught to do that, we're taught to only focus on what we haven't yet done or accomplished and hustle our way towards it, and b) we are all amazing conscious co-creative creatures who deserve to be celebrated!

So while I'll be doing my own personal celebrating in various ways, I wanted to find a way to bring you in on it, too, because truly, those of you who take the time to follow my work and apply it to your own spiritual/human journey keep me inspired and fired up to keep going with all of this and to keep creating new ways to access Alignment and higher vibrations consistently. Not to mention, your improved Alignment benefits us all!

In that spirit, I am joyfully offering you a free month in my Spiritual Alignment Masterclass Membership program!

Yep, you heard that right! For the month of May, when you create your own Membership account you will receive:

  • This month's pre-recorded Masterclass, focusing on a relevant-to-the-times aspect of the Spiritual Alignment Process, where I teach it deeply and invite you to practice the practical application of it so you can begin to see the tangible benefits right away

  • Access to the Live Q&A call for members only where you can ask me anything about navigating this human experience from a place of Alignment, including receiving insight and guidance to your personal situations (calls are recorded, so if you can't be there live you will still receive the recording AND you can even send me your question in advance to address on the call)

  • Weekly "Energetic Head's Up" videos sent out each Monday to give you insight on what's happening in the cosmos that week, as well as intuitive guidance and an oracle card reading - all in the name of helping you to stay conscious, connected and intentional throughout your week

  • Access to the private, Members Only Facebook group for other goodies, insights and connection with a community of like-minded/like-energy people who are all absolutely amazing and very supportive

All of these components are designed to help you get into a state of Alignment with Who You Really Are, stay there more often, and know how to get back in more quickly and easily when you inevitably fall out because that is a part of being human!

To take advantage of this gift, just click HERE to set up your account, and make sure to use the promo code "SPRING21". This will automatically enroll you at no charge to you, and everything will be delivered right to your inbox all month long. At the end of the month, I will give you a head's up so that you have the opportunity to decide if you'd like to stay on with us or cancel your membership - total integrity here!

I'm so looking forward to having you join us and experience for yourself a wonderful increase of Alignment and goodness in your life - you deserve it. <3

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Alignment Break: Antidote for Feeling Stuck in Emotion and Overwhelm

If you've been feeling those potent full moon energies from yesterday's Full Moon in Scorpio, you'll definitely want to watch this sooner rather than later.

But today's insight is perfect for any tough part of the "spiritual being navigating the human experience" thing, so you'll want to put this tool in your back pocket regardless.

In today's video, I share with you the "antidote" for those times where you feel stuck, stagnant, or just plain weighed down by heavy emotions, overwhelm and stress, or when life unfolds in a way that you didn't expect or want - shifting you up into a higher vibrational vantage point where everything can move again.

If your brain just thought "I bet she's going to say it's thinking positively," you'd be wrong. :)

I hope you find this strategy as useful as I do! Please let me know your thoughts and experiences with it.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Always Be Positive?


I’ve always been described as being a positive person, and in my line of work it kind of goes with the territory. I’ve often been asked what my secret is, how do I stay so positive and optimistic?

Well, here’s the big one: I put the focus on recovering to a higher, more positive and aligned state when I’ve had a human moment vs. striving to be positive ALL the time (which, incidentally, is impossible). And, perhaps more importantly, I allow myself to BE human (which, incidentally, is an unavoidable factor until I croak).

I'll give you an example: I remember a couple of years ago around this time Mother Nature decided to drop a ridiculous snowstorm on us here in MN, despite it already looking and feeling like Spring up until that point.

Already kind of crabby about having to stuff my youngest daughter in all of her snow gear I had optimistically put away for the year, I drove to our daycare in the fiercely blowing wind and blizzard-like conditions.

When the wind blew my car door causing it to hit me in the side of my head while getting her out of the car, I cursed like a sailor (yes, in front of my kid).

As the icy wind continued to whip me in the face and Hazel dropped her stuff in the snow drifts no less than 117 times between the car and the front door to daycare, you could say I was aptly annoyed, especially when I stepped in a bunch of melted snow on the floor inside and got my socks all wet (isn’t that the worst?!)

But that’s normal, and who wouldn’t be annoyed, right?

So I didn’t fight myself on it. Instead, as soon as I got back in my car and pulled out of the driveway, I consciously shifted my focus to feeling better, by focusing on slightly better things and working my way back up: "At least I have the rest of the day to myself to focus, and I work from home so I can get a dry pair of socks on. I know this snow will melt quickly and will probably even make the grass underneath greener. I'm really happy my car drives so well in the snow..."

In no time at all, I worked my way back up the emotional/vibrational ladder to that more Aligned, centered, calm and optimistic state of being, and the rest of the day was much better.

Bottom line is, as long as we are in a human body and are having a human experience full of contrast and unpredictable factors and varying moods, we will always have negative thoughts and emotions to some degree - it's a part of the game we signed up for here on Earth.

So rather than trying to force positivity from yourself all the time, especially when it doesn’t feel authentic to, try putting the focus on recovering to your higher self more quickly and more consistently.

This is one way you can avoid the whole “woke up on the wrong side of the bed” syndrome where you let one or two bad experiences ruin your whole day and keeping you in resistance mode, where none of your desired manifestations can reach you.

And this is how you embrace your humanity while knowing full-well you are first and foremost a spiritual, vibrational being - allowing yourself to be in the receiving mode more often than not, making it easier for your desired manifestations to come to you even when your car door hits you in the face.

I hope that helps as you continue on your journey of working to apply all of these elements to conscious spirituality! And if you feel like sharing any of your favorite human moments where you had no choice but to embrace a few f-bombs before shifting upwards, I'm always up for a good laugh. :)

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Do This Each Morning and Evening for Your Highest Alignment

Time for another alignment break!

Years ago I made a small change that helped change everything for me, especially when I got really consistent with it. In this Alignment Break segment, I share with you a game-changing tip that will help you support your ability to get in, stay in and recover to a higher state of Alignment each day. And remember, when we are able to come from a place of Alignment with everything we think, say and do (or at least a good portion of them), we place ourselves in the flow, the receptive mode, and watch with immense joy, gratitude and awe as things just seem to come together more easily and naturally.

Take a quick break for your Alignment and get the tip below

And let me know how it lands with you, or what your experience is when you try it out! You can always get in touch with me HERE.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Alignment Break: Let's Talk Intuition!


I hope this finds you enjoying the fresh new energies that Spring and Aries season brings (or Fall, if you're in the Southern Hemisphere), as well as the start of a new astrological year! My birthday is this Saturday and it's a big one - 40 - which I am actually looking forward to. Any other Aries' out there? (fist bump)

Anywho, I've created a little video for you that is going to be a part of an ongoing series I like to call "Alignment Breaks," where we dive into various important aspects of vibrational Alignment and the Spiritual Alignment Process - the process I've taken hundreds of clients through over the past decade or so with great success! This is all in service of helping you to get into a state of Alignment more often, more easily, for longer periods of time, as well as recover to this state when you inevitably fall out because you're a spiritual being having a very human experience. :)

Today's Alignment Break focuses on your intuition: why we sometimes seem to get confusing or conflicting answers when we tune in, and some simple ways to make sure you are accessing the highest, most accurate answers. Having a strong, aligned connection to your inner guidance system can be a huge asset to navigating this human experience from a conscious, aligned place, particularly in terms of creating more ease, flow, right moves, and abundance.

Take a short break and connect within by watching the video:

I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences, as well as anything you do to make sure you're accessing your clearest intuition that I may not have named. Hit the reply button and share with me!

Wishing you a beautiful start to the season.

Want more on your Intuition and discovering your other Superpowers? Check out chapter 14 in my book, "Awake and Aligned: How to Navigate the Human Experience as a Spiritual Being."

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