Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Honor your progress, you are worthy

Because I know it's Mercury Retrograde and the Universe is likely finding ways to slow you down a bit, or perhaps you're feeling the urge to slow down and focus more on self-care but having a hard time getting your ego-mind on board with that due to old programming, I thought I'd pop in to give you the gentle reminder that everything flows better when you do listen to those prompts and urges.

I encourage you to drop the common story of productivity and accomplishment equaling your self-worth and success, and instead begin embracing and integrating the story of successfully taking care of your energy each day no matter what it looks like, and knowing that you are inherently worthy simply because you exist.

Plus, we've got a couple of weeks left of this Mercury Retrograde in Libra business, so you might as well get ahead of it now. :)

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

What if you gave yourself permission to be authentically YOU?


This meme makes me want to scream YES!! Letting people be wrong about you is definitely not easy, but do you realize how much time and energy most of us waste on defending, justifying and apologizing for ourselves - perhaps especially in our own minds? I’m exhausted just thinking about it.

Yet what would happen if you gave yourself full permission to be authentically YOU, and allow whatever experiences others have of you in your truest expression, to be okay?

You see, when you’re staying in your own lane, practicing vibrational Alignment with Who You Really Are and taking responsibility for your own energy, this concept can feel more doable and even, dare I say, easy and natural (with practice).

Rather than obsessing about finding a way to correct, convince or control how the world sees you, try leaning into the freedom of trusting yourself and knowing that you always strive to do your best, and the rest has actually nothing to do with you.

This practice is absolutely liberating. But I’m sure you’re asking yourself how, how do I actually do that?

What would practicing giving yourself permission to be you actually look like?

I have an answer for you, by way of directing you to a person I adore and who is one of the best examples of a person who actually pulls this concept off consistently. She’s also psychic, highly intuitive and a master healer, helping others to tap into their own intuitive genius and leading their lives from their Soul. And fun facts: she told me I was pregnant with my youngest, Hazel, before I knew I was, and earlier this month on a work retreat getaway with her she gave me a healing that had me feeling like my head was on fire (in a really good way – hard to explain).

Her name is Julie Boudewyns and she is offering an amazing and entirely free 4-day Soul Permission Series on August 2nd-5th, where she will do a live coaching segment each day on Facebook on how to give yourself permission to lead from your Soul (you will also have access to the recordings if you can’t make it live). She will cover the biggies that we each struggle with daily, and give you permission to show up how you want to, rather than how you think you’re supposed to – ultimately giving you the keys to inner freedom and liberation!

Some of the “biggies” I am referring to that Julie will help us all better navigate are:

  • the overwhelm that tends to lead to self-sabotage

  • guilt and feeling taken advantage of due to your empathic, energetically-sensitive nature

  • creating boundaries and being okay with them pissing people off

  • the idea that you are either not enough or too much

I would definitely agree that these are some of the most common things that disconnect us from being our highest, truest selves and keep us feeling trapped in the “should” game of life, yes? What would happen if you were truly able to break through and break free from some of these restrictions for good?

What would you do with all of that freedom and empowerment?

Find out for yourself by registering for this free Soul Permission Series HERE. I’ll be there with you, by the way – I never miss an opportunity to learn from Julie, plus she’s hoot. If you are a fan of real talk, snark, and swearing, then Julie is your gal. She gave herself permission long ago to not have to try to fulfill the traditional spiritual teacher role, I assure you she is both very wise and very human.

In the meantime, I am wishing you all of the energy, vibes and resources you need to feel free enough to be the highest expression of Who You Really Are.

Your Soul wants you to, and the world needs you to, and the life of your dreams is waiting for you to.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Alignment Break: How to Create More Abundance

This Alignment Break video addresses a question from a member of my community who asked how to bring more abundance into life, particularly in the form of money.

This is a popular topic that comes up a lot with my coaching clients, and for all of us really, who wouldn't welcome more financial security in their lives?

It's also one of the big ones, a huge subject, which could easily be an in-depth masterclass, but for today I want to give you an entry point, a simple way to start thinking about the topic of abundance.

In the video, I share two access points, two ways you can approach the subject today and create meaningful change, without coming up against a lot of resistance.

With the topic of abundance, financial wealth, money, it all comes down to our relationship with money and the beliefs you already hold.

That's the place we are going to start, so grab a notebook and a pen and watch the short video below.

One of the resources I mention in the video is by Morgana Rae and here's a link to her free resources.

Opening up to abundance and our relationship with abundance in all forms is an ongoing process that you (and I) will come back to again

Let me know it lands with you, or what other questions or comments you have by sending an email or leaving a comment on my new YouTube channel!

And don't forget to send me any questions you may have about spirituality, energy, vibration, metaphysics, conscious co-creation, Alignment, and how the heck to actually enjoy being human within it all - I'll create an Alignment Break video addressing it

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Managing the ebb days to increase the flow

I am currently on a self-appointed work retreat with a dear friend and colleague, focusing on creating more conscious content for you all that really helps put all of this Alignment and vibration stuff in more human, applicable terms, and I happened to come across an old video that I created for my members when I first launched the Spiritual Alignment Membership program back in October of 2019.

It was one of those divinely guided nudges that occasionally happens where I have no choice but to hit record and ignore the fact that I am not my most presentable-to-the-public self, in favor of giving value and being of service, so bear with me there because the message is really important and something I am betting an energetically-sensitive person like you will really appreciate.

In this video, I speak to the concept of the natural energetic ebb and flow in our day-to-day life, particularly those "ebb days" we all have. You know, the ones where despite your long to-do list and your mind's insistence that everything is urgent, you just don't have it in you to follow through - and likely beat yourself up about that, spending a hefty amount of time in resistance mode as a result.

Watch the video to learn why we have these ebb days, their divine purpose, and how to begin embracing and working with them to not only increase your overall sense of productivity and flow in life, but to connect to your Inner Being more strongly so you can consciously create better and enjoy life more.

And let me know your thoughts and experiences, I'd love to hear them! Email me or comment on the video!

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

The magic of practising consistency


People often ask me what the magic is behind the Spiritual Alignment Process - the process of consciously and energetically aligning with Who You Really Are - and I always give the same answer: consistency.

Many are surprised by that answer because it's not super deep and seems almost boring, but when I go further into the explanation it doesn't take long to see the profound magic inherent within this key aspect.

Consistency means that you are practicing a specific vibration enough to bring your desire into physical form, and it means that you are growing in the direction that you are wanting to.

That’s why having a Daily Alignment Practice is the key ingredient to living a life of Alignment with Who You Really Are - you are literally training yourself into a higher vibration every single day, and everything else takes care of itself.

This is also why my own coach who taught me all of this stuff over a decade ago was confident when he told me that if I didn't engage in my daily alignment habits while working with him, he'd fire me and keep my money - no joke. And it worked! Because he knew that if he held me that accountable, it was only a matter of time before I'd begin to see the fruits of my vibrational efforts for myself, and I'd never even think of stopping after that.

That was back in 2011, and not only have I not stopped practicing daily and have seen more incredible, magical results than I could ever fully list, I've built a successful coaching practice that has helped hundreds of people do the same, and put the entire Spiritual Alignment Process into a book - including the specific daily alignment practices I and my clients do - to reach endless numbers of people and bring them into vibrational harmony and alignment with their highest selves. At least that's the hope!

Are you ready to engage the magic of consistency with your own Daily Alignment Practice? Then I'd grab a copy of Awake and Aligned right now, jump straight to chapters 20 & 21, and begin practicing the vibration of who you want to be and the life you were born to live right now.

Haven't you waited long enough to embrace the utter magic and magnificence of Who You Really Are? As they say, the time is now, and the power is you.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Alignment Break: How to Deal with Spiritual Burnout


Have you ever experienced "Spiritual or Psychic Burnout" before? Ya know, when all of the sudden your tools, resources, sources you follow, and your own damn intuition all of the sudden feel overwhelming and confusing, no longer even helping you make sense of things?

If so, you're not alone, as this is a common experience for those on a conscious, spiritual path; I actually suspect that it's part of the grand design of things, to occasionally disrupt our flow to get us to go deeper and connect to our own Inner Being even more strongly and acutely, increasing our sense of trust.

But what do you do when this happens so that you can get back into the flow more quickly and easily, and access your newfound increased inner connection?

In this week's Alignment Break video, I share with you 3 simple and effective ways to both manage the burnout, and reconnect within more easily and quickly, so that you can return to navigating your human experience as the conscious, spiritual rockstar being that you are! Check out this short video below.

Let me know it lands with you, or what other questions or comments you have by sending an email or leaving a comment on my (work in progress) new Youtube channel!

And don't forget to send me any questions you may have about spirituality, energy, vibration, metaphysics, conscious co-creation, Alignment, and how the heck to actually enjoy being human within it all - I'll create an Alignment Break video addressing it!

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

How do we foster more authentic connection in everyday life?

A question that has been on my mind a lot lately is, "How do we foster more authentic connection in everyday life?" I'm not talking about the deep conversations we have with those we consider to be of like mind and soul, but the people who you may see often and you realize you don't know at all, or they don't know you, or even strangers at the supermarket or new people you meet at a gathering or in passing.

This question stemmed from my feeling a deep level of dissatisfaction in a lot of my (non work-related) interactions lately where I often found myself in conversations that were far from reciprocal, and being left with that hollow feeling that comes with not being truly seen or heard and not being given the opportunity to truly see and hear the authentic version of the person I was interacting with.

So I channeled that energy I was feeling into a FB Live in my private group, the Spiritual Alignment Community, to start the conversation on why this is so common (especially as people are trying to figure out how to interact with each other after/during a pandemic) and, more importantly, how we can begin to shift this common experience in a way that creates more authentic, meaningful, satisfying, and even intimate dialogues and interactions with one another.

In this video, I of course share my own thoughts and go-to moves to encourage reciprocal connection but I also invited my group members to weigh in - I'll extend that invitation to you as well.

How do you feel about this and what has been your experience? What questions do you ask to open up a more meaningful dialogue and really get to know someone? What do you think needs to be present for two or more people to feel seen, heard and valued in a conversation? Or absolutely anything else pertaining to this topic.

You can watch the video using the links below even if you don't have Facebook (there was a small tech blip which meant the video is in two parts)



I'd love to hear your thoughts and perspectives, and I wish for you to experience more connection, deeper and more meaningful experiences and conversations that make you feel alive and allow you to both experience your own magic, as well as witness and discover it in others. One thing I know for sure is that when we meet each other in this way, SO much goodness comes from it.

Also, if you are not already a member of my Facebook community I’d love to have you join us - here’s the link.

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Nova Wightman Nova Wightman

Alignment Break: How do you deal with fear when challenging things happen in life?

Thank you for the emails with your Alignment questions! It is very helpful for me to focus on things that are most relevant to you, so please keep sending me your questions or as they arise.

Keep in mind they can be specific contexts you are struggling with to apply all of these concepts of energy, vibration, Alignment, spirituality, and conscious manifestation too, as specific examples help us all to better apply and integrate these often heady and lofty concepts.

And I have another Alignment Break video for you today! In this segment, I answer a question from a reader who asked, "How do you deal with the contrast when you fear the worst might happen?"

So in other words, how do you deal with fear when challenging things happen in life? Watch the video below to hear my take on this, as well as specific strategies you can begin experimenting with and applying immediately!

Also, if you're wanting a better picture on all of this Spiritual Alignment stuff and how it can be used in your own life, you may want to watch the interview I did with Miriam Grunhaus, Joy Alchemist, owner of Mikah Fashion and the host of Heal with Gold podcast.

It was such a great conversation about blending the human and spiritual experience in such a way that allows for the human stuff of life (i.e. negative thoughts, emotions, hardships, challenges, joys and healing) as well as how to use all of that to access the more "spiritual" stuff (i.e. miracles, magic, conscious manifestation, answered prayers, being Who You Really Are and utilizing your partnership with God/Source/the Universe, etc.).

Miriam is an absolute delight of woman, and has such authentic and loving energy to her, and the stories she shared are really inspiring - particularly one where she unwittingly used one of the daily Alignment practices to produce a really significant (and quick) manifestation!

You can watch the interview HERE.

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